Lion President Jerome Teichmiller introduced District 2-S2 Mark Roth to install the 2016-2017 Officers, Directors and New Members. Pictured left-right Speaker Lion Sam Thomas, Dist. 2-S2 Governor Mark Roth, TBLC Lions Bob Ervin, John Pettigrew, Bill Dillion, Al Gerhardt, John Phillips, Bubba Hardee, PDG Danny Zee, John Seber, and Mike Halbach. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt.
The TBLC Officers:
Installed were President Bob Ervin, Vice-President Bubba Hardee, Secretary Mike Halbach, Assistant Secretary George Shackelford, Treasurer Al Gerhardt, Assistant Treasure Karen Halbach, Tail Twister John Phillips, and Lion Tamers John Seber and Joe Sebesta. The TBLC Directors Installed were Lions Bill Dillon, Karen Halbach, John Pettigrew Ken Walters, Immediate Past President Jerome Teichmiller and PDG Dist. Governor Danny Zee.
The TBLC Committee Chairperson:
Membership: – Current Chair Lion Mary Pat Trenkle,
Communication / Special Events Coordinator Lion Mike & Karen Halbach,
Speaker Coordinator – Mike Halbach,
Car Show – Lion Vice President Bob Ervin
Golf Tournament – Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt.

The TBLC Annual Special Awards:
Lion of the Year – John Seber,
Joe Mahon Award – Mike & Karen Halbach,
Melvin Jones Award – Mary Pat Trenkle.

The New Member Induction:
New Members                                  Sponsor                                       Start Date

William Dillon                                    John Phillips                                     10/01/2015
Rodney Field                                     David McClinton                                06/01/2016
Terry Kitchens                                   David McClinton                                01/04/2016
Dale McCarty                                     Al Gerhardt                                      05/02/2016
Edward Mitchell                                 Al Gerhardt (Eva)                              05/02/2016
John Pettigrew                                  John Phillips                                      08/01/2015
Don Varner                                       Al Gerhardt                                      07/01/2015
Banquet Photos:
Installation Photos: