Posted by Al Gerhardt on Jul 03, 2017
The Texas Lions Camp held the Awards Week from 06/17/17 – 06/23/17 Scholarship Awards. The Tomball Lions Club presented three $1,000 Scholarships to the Camp Counselors' Recipients. The photo shows the recipients. From left to right, they are: James Faulkenbury, Kristen Ekholm, Aaron Stevenson and Tomball Lions Club presenter Lion John Phillips. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt.
2017 TBLC Camp Counselor Scholarships:
The Texas Lions Camp 2017 Awards Night was held the week of June 19-23. Great program helping special needs kids every week of the summer. All of the Lions Club in the State of Texas sponsors the Texas Lions Camp. The Tomball Lions Club awards 3 $1000 scholarships to camp counselors selected by the camp staff.