Posted by Tomball Lions Club on Jul 05, 2019
Al and Eva attended the Lions International Convention in Milan, Italy from July 5-9, 2019. Pictured above from left to Right are: Eva Gerhardt and Al Gerhardt.
Some additional photos from the event can be seen below:
This photo is the Lions Club International World Convention Hall in Milan, Italy July 07, 2019. The parade of Past International Presidents leading up to the New International President from South Korea.
This photo is of Al and Eva in front of the Campaign 100 sign. Al and Eva said they are having a great time at the 102nd LC International where they got to meet the entire tech team from LCI. The tech team gave them all of their contact information and said they could contact them anytime that a problem occurs.
Al and Eva in their "Texan" outfits!
This is one of the wonderful ladies on the My Lion tech team from the LCI My Lion department. They will be helping our My Lion Team to implement the new app.
Photos of the "Texas Delagation" at the Lions 2019 International Convention.
Some General photos from the 102nd Lions Clubs International Convention at Milan, Italy. Being this is our first International Convention, Eva and I had a great time. We met so many new friendly Lions from all over the world.