Left to right on rear row: Lions Karen Halbach, Mike Halbach, Bob Ervin, Pastor Jerome Teichmiller, and Paul Hancock; Lion Joe at the front. 
Lion Joseph Edward Stachulak of the Tomball Lions Club was honored with a celebration of his 50 years’ of service on Friday, March 8, 2024.  Lion Joe has mobility medical issues, so representatives of the Tomball Lions Club took the party to Lion Joe’s apartment complex.  Lion Joe’s daughter Debbie coordinated with us to arrange the surprise ceremony.  And the party was truly a great surprise to Lion Joe.
Lion Paul Hancock, President, presented Lion Joe with the 50 Year Milestone Chevron Award from Lions Club International and read the proclamation from LCI President Dr. Patti Hill.  Lions Karen Halbach and Mike Halbach provided a celebration cake for the event.  Also in attendance was Lion Jerome Teichmiller, who was also recently awarded a 50 Year Milestone Chevron Award, and Lion Bob Ervin.
Lion Joe transferred to the Tomball Lions Club from Calumet City, Illinois Lions Club.  Lion Joe was very active in that club as one of their major fundraisers; he has so many vest pins on his Calumet City Lions vest as well as on his Tomball Lions vest and told us he has more pins stored away.