Posted by Al Gerhardt on Dec 16, 2017
Texas Lions District 2-S2 and the Tomball Lions Club presented two Memorials to Vera Zitterich and the family of Daniel Lee Zitterich respectively known as “Danny Zee” or “Z”.
The Texas Lions District 2-S2 presented a special Resolution in Loving Memory of “Daniel Lee Zitterich”.
WHEREAS, in the providence of God, He has brought to sunset the extraordinary life of our brother, Past District Governor Daniel “Danny Zee” Zitterich. The officers and members of LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONAL, MD-2 TEXAS, DISTRICT 2-S2, feel that it is befitting to express our sympathy to the family of our brother, Danny Zee, and to join in the celebration of his life. We commend PDG Danny Zee to Him who knoweth best.
WHEREAS, our brother, PDG Danny Zee, faithfully served his community as a Lion when he joined the joined the La Grange Lions Club in 1993 to be a part of the service organization, commonly known for more volunteers, doing more community work in more places than any service club organization: 207+ countries, 46,000+ Lions clubs, and 1.4+ million Lions, across the globe, in a global service network, through Lions Club charities and programs (international, statewide, district and local).
WHEREAS, PDG Danny Zee served as District Governor in District 2-S5 Lions year 2000-2001 while a member of the La Grange Noon Lions Club. PDG Danny Zee later became a devoted member in the Tomball Lions in District 2-S2. He served as Council Secretary in the Council of Governors, President, District Governor and many other positions in the Lions Club.
NOW BE IT, THEREFORE, RESOLVED, that a copy of this Resolution will be given to the family and a copy will be kept among the papers of District 2-S2. We will observe our own moments of silence and memories in honor of our brother, PDG Danny Zee, and we invite the servant’s hearts of Lions everywhere to join us as we roar with pride, with praise and with great joy in celebrating the extraordinary life of our brother, PDG Danny Zee.
To the family, especially his wife, Vera, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, please know that we share your sorrow and we share your loss. But, we pray you take comfort in knowing, as we know, that the loss of our brother, PDG Danny Zee, is Heaven’s precious gain.
Humbly submitted on this 8th day of December 2017 by The Officers and Members of
Lion Betty Ezell, District Governor, Lion Karl Johnson, 1st Vice District Governor Lion Tony Austin, 2nd Vice District Governor Lion Judy Champion, District Secretary Lion Liesa Hackett, District Chaplain
The Tomball Lions Club of District 2-S2 presented a special Texas Lions Camp “Endowment Brick” in memory of Daniel Lee “Danny Zee” Zitterich.
The Endowment Brick will be placed at the Amphitheater at the Texas Lions Camp in Kerrville, Texas. The Amphitheater is where every camper’s week begins with an opening camp fire and ends with an awards ceremony. The Brick will be inscribed with the following:
The Endowment Fund gift ensures that for years to come Texas children with special medical conditions will enjoy summer camping experiences at the Texas Lions Camp.
By Chief Executive Officer
Stephen S. Mabry, CAE, CFRE
Texas Lions Camp "Endowment Brick":