Posted by Al Gerhardt on Jan 12, 2018
Lion President Bubba Hardee introduced Guest Lion Paul Moore to share fund raising activities/methods employed by the Conroe Noon Lions Club which currently has 300+ members. Lion & guests pictured from left to right are: Lion Past President Bob Ervin, Lion Secretary Karen Moore of the Montgomery Lions Club, Zone Chairmen Paul Moore, and President Bubba Hardee. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt.
Lion President Bubba Hardee introduced Guest Lion Zone Chairman Paul & Karen Moore to share fund raising activities/methods employed by the Conroe Noon Lions Club which currently has 300+ members.
Lions Paul and Karen Moore then discussed their involvement in mission work in Mexico and Central/South America with the St. Francis Medical Mission from Round Rock, TX.  Their most recent mission trip was in October, 2017, to Rio Dulce, Guatemala.
Information regarding this mission can be found at:
Lion Moore encouraged Tomball Lions who wish to gain knowledge and inspiration in Lionism to attend Multiple District 2 (MD-2) Lions Leadership Forum on March 17-18 at the Crowne Plaza North Central Hotel, Austin, TX.  Registration is $50/person (by March 1st) plus room cost and includes meals both days and a choice of 16 worthwhile sessions.  See link: