Topic: Estate Planning / Elder Law
Lion Bob Ervin introduced Guest speaker Attorney Susan Bulgawicz with the Bulgawicz Law Firm.

Group Picture L-R is TBLC President Paul Hancock, Attorney Susan Bulgawicz and Lion Bob Ervin.
Attorney Susan Bulgawicz practices Estate Planning, Elder Law and Probate in Tomball. She explained how important estate planning and having all of the necessary documents in place. She gave the documents list and the downsides if you do not have these.
The necessary Documents that you need are (1) Last Will and Testament, (2) Statutory Durable Power of Attorney, (3) Medical Power of Attorney, (4) HIPPA Release and Authorization, and Directive to Physicians (Living Will) options: Trust, Designation of Guardian and Out of Hospital Do Not Resuscitate.
She briefly explained the Probate process and options to avoid it. She answered all of our questions relating to estate planning and probate.