Lion President Mike Halbach introduced the guest speaker, Norma Lopez who is the Outreach Education Coordinator for Montgomery County Women’s Center. Pictured from left to right are Lion Tania Hall, Speaker Norma Lopez, Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt and new Lion member Joe Sykora.
Norma presented the outreach program to educate the public, organizations, colleges, and first responders about domestic violence and sexual assault through crisis intervention, assistance advocacy, empowerment and social change. A few highlights of Norma’s presentation:
- Gave some stats on women, men, and children who are victims of abuse
- Abuse can be Verbal, Sexual, Financial, Digital
- Texas Council on Family Violence
- National Domestic Violence Hotline
- October is National Violence Awareness Month
- Montgomery County has two shelters, capacity total of over 70
- The shelter has a 30-day limit per stay
- They do have repeat clients
- Check their website and Facebook sites for list of items needed at the shelters for those who want to donate
The Tomball Lions Club donated a quantity of 84 bath sets to the Montgomery County Women's Center. This was facilitated through the Tomball Emergency Assistance Ministries (TEAM) with a special pricing to the Tomball Lions Club and by Tomball Lion and TEAM Volunteer Karen Halbach.
Additional photos from Norma can be seen below:
Pictured from left to right are Lion Karen Halbach, Norma Lopez, Outreach Coordinator for the Montgomery County Women's Center, and Sandi Sollinger, the TEAM Resale Shop Manager. Pictured below is the Montgomery County Women's Center logo.