Tomball Lions Club sponsored two Strike Level sponsorships this year for the Bowl-A-Thon. Pictured L-R are our Club's two appointed Eye Bank representatives: Lion Paul Hancock, Treasurer of the Eye Bank Executive Committee and Lion Jerome Teichmiller, Trustee.
Team one with Lion Tania Hall, husband Jon Hall, and David Cochran.
Team Two with Lion William Dunaway, friends Nick Mosley, Ariel Gomez, and Fidel Paz. Fidel and Ariel are coffee producers from Pena Blanca, Santa Barbara, Honduras.
The Lions Eye Bank of Texas PDG Ronald Landers Memorial Bowl-A-Thon was held at the Houston AMF Diamond Bowl Lanes located at 267 N. Forest Blvd, Houston, TX on Saturday, February 10, 2024.
This activity counts as a Club activity in addition to their serving with the Eye Bank. Lions Paul and Jerome have met monthly for the past 6 months with the Bowl-A-Thon committee for District 2-S2 for the planning and coordination by all committee members of this major district fundraiser for the Lions Eye Bank of Texas.
In addition to the District fundraisers, the Lions Eye Bank of Texas holds its own annual fundraiser, generally a raffle. Trustees and other Board members from each District participate in this fundraiser.
Fundraiser proceeds are applied to the education of the public, Lions, and other interested organizations about eye health, eye safety, and the importance of cornea tissue donations. There are four Lions Districts along the Gulf Coast that support the Lions Eye Bank of Texas, similar to our District 2-S2 Bowl-A-Thon. Each of the four districts has appointed Trustees to spread the communication and educational effort of the Lions Eye Bank of Texas.