Lion Mike Halbach Introduced Guest Speaker Judge Laryssa Korduba is the first female Justice of the Peace in Precinct 4, serving as Justice of the Peace Precinct 4, Place 2. She was elected to this position in November of 2014.
Pictured Left-Right: TBLC Past President Bob Ervin, Lion Director Mary Whitaker, and Judge Laryssa Korduba, Lion Director Bubba Hardee.

Judge Korduba received her law degree from the University of Houston in 2003 as a Mixon Scholarship Recipient. Judge Korduba then started her law practice and grew it to an industry-leading statewide firm, after years of working in property management. She is married to her best friend of 14 years, Matt, and they have 4 beautiful children together.
Since taking the bench as Justice of the Peace, Judge Laryssa has made countless strides to improve customer service, increase and pilot new technology programs, and guarantee efficiency in her courtroom.
Special Highlights:
Judge Korduba and one other Judge serve 1.2 million people in Pct. 4.
Truancy is a big issue; however, the prior DA did not emphasize truancy and cases have dropped significantly. Enforcing truancy is important.
Students need to be in school to keep them from being involved in issues such as drug trafficking.
Fighting and vaping on buses is a big problem.
Her court has collected over 3 million in fines, but her budget is only $1.2 Million. It is important to have an interpreter in court cases; however, there are not sufficient funds for interpreters.