President Jerome Teichmiller Introduced Speaker Timika Simmons Chief Executive Officer of TOMAGWA (Tomball, Magnolia, Waller) HealthCare Ministries.
Pictured Left-Right: 2nd Vice President Paul Hancock, Tomagwa Director Kristy Salinas, CEO Timika Simmons, Special Director Darrell Pile and Lion Director Mike Halbach.

Timika first introduced Darrell Pile and Kristy Salinas and they each gave a short intro to their positions at TOMAGWA. Timika gave her presentation of the mission and accomplishments of TOMAGWA. She provided an overview of the past year 2022 and what is in store for year 2023. Timika recognized all the organizations that helped support TOMAGWA, including the Tomball Lions Club for their $7,000 donation. She also thanked our Club for providing Vision Screening services to TOMAGWA and how that has allowed them more time to dedicate to their diabetes patients who have vision issues.
TOMAGWA is a full-time, comprehensive family practice center serving low-resource, uninsured families and individuals offering access to early intervention for potentially fatal conditions and proper care for chronic illness and other non-emergency care.
TOMAGWA provides preventive, compassionate care in a Christian environment regardless of a person’s age, gender, ethnicity, race, religious affiliation, or ability to pay. TOMAGWA’s clinics are unique because they treat the whole person - physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.