​​​​​​​The Tomball Lions Club Annual Installation
CAMPIONI’s Restaurant
June 14, 2023
The 2023 Annual Award and Officer Installation Dinner of the Tomball Lions Club was held June 14, 2023 at Campioni’s Restaurant. Tomball Lions Club President Jerome Teichmiller was our emcee. PDG Tony Austin introduced District 2-S2 Governor Elect Neil Landers, who made remarks about the standing of the Tomball Lions in relation to other clubs in District 2-S2. District Governor Paul Moore installed the Officers and Directors for the new Lion Year 2023-2024 commencing July 1, 2023. Past District Governor Lisa Free-Martin presented the Melvin Jones Fellow to Lion Robert “Bubba” Hardee. President Jerome Teichmiller presented the Lion of the Year to Lion Ron Luedke and the Texas Lions Camp Jack Wiech award to Lion-Treasurer Al Gerhardt. He also recognized Lion Secretary Elect William Dunaway for the Joe Mahan Fellow Blue Vest award (unable to attend). President Jerome Teichmiller presented gift certificate awards to non-Lion volunteers for outstanding service and devotion at the Car Show to Paulette Luedke, Andrea Hardee, Linda Seber, Sandy Farrell and Eva Gerhardt. Our guests also included District Governor Elect Neal Lander, Lion District Governor Paul Moore and First Lady Lion Karen Moore, PDG Tony Austin and Lion Cheryl Austin and PDG Lisa Free-Martin.