14th Annual Tomball Families Feeding Families

14th Annual Tomball Families Feeding FamiliesThe Tomball Families Feeding Families Founder Richard Gatewood presented a thank you letter to the Tomball Lions Club for their donation of $1,000 to help with the Thanksgiving meals. ![]() Photo of all Volunteers
Laundry Of Love / Shared Loads – Tomball, TexasPictured from left to right are the Directors Sheri &Erin Percell (Laundry of Love), Tomball Lions Club Treasurer Al Gerhardt and Mohammed Iqbal (Owner of the Washateria on 28106 Heidi Lane, Tomball, Texas). ![]() |
Camp Hope (PTSD Foundation of America)Lion Mike Halbach Introduced Guest Speaker Marilyn Kinyo Director of Marketing & Communications with Camp Hope (PTSD Foundation of America) at our December 13th meeting at Fire Station #1. The Tomball Lions Club presented the $1,000 annual check allocation to Camp Hope. Pictured Left-Right: TBLC Past President Bob Ervin, Camp Hope Josh Eastburn, Logan McFarland, Director Marilyn Kinyo and Nate Gonzales. ![]() |
Tomball Families Feeding FamiliesFund Assistance Presentation – Tomball, Texas Tomball Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt presented the Annual Fund Assistance Check to the Tomball Families Feeding Families Board. ![]() |
Celebrating the Life of PDG Betty Ezell
Growing Up Tomball"GROWING UP TOMBALL" President Joe Sykora Jr. Introduced Speaker Bruce Hillegeist, President of the Greater Tomball Area Chamber of Commerce. Pictured Left-Right: TBLC President Joe Sykora Jr, Speaker Bruce Hillegeist and TBLC Secretary Russell McKinney. ![]() |
Vision Screening at TOMAGWA Health Care MinistriesVision Screening team of Tomball Lions Club at TOMAGWA on Wednesday, October 9, 2024. Team Members: left to right: Lions Russell McKinney, Dr. Paul Descant, Mary Whitaker, and Bubba Hardee (Lion Paul Hancock not pictured). Our Vision Screening Team partners with TOMAGWA Health Care Ministries once monthly to conduct free vision screening. ![]() ![]() |
Celebrating the Life of PDG Betty EzellThe Tomball Lions Club has learned that PDG Betty passed away after fighting a long battle of health problems. Please join us in Praying for PDG Betty's family in this time of sorrow and grief and in celebrating the life of an adventurous, wonderful lady who dedicated much of her life to Lionism. The attached photos show PDG Betty Ezell sitting next to PDG Tony Austin at the 40th Year Celebration of the Tomball Lions Club in September of 2022. Betty has been a lion since 1996 and joined the Tomball Lions Club in June 2022. ![]() ![]() As District Governor during Hurricane Harvey, she worked tirelessly with many clubs and members to provide much assistance for the people affected by the hurricane.
New Member Ruben CurielLion President Ed De Lany welcomed New Lion Member Ruben Curial to the Tomball Lions. Group Picture L-R is Lion Secretary Russell McKinney, new Tomball Lions Club member Ruben Curiel. Lions Ed and Russell presented the new official vest and cap to Lion Ruben Curiel. ![]() |
Lion Speaker – Executive Director Rina Browning Resale with a PurposeLion Mike Halbach introduced Guest speaker Executive Director Rina Browning from Resale with a Purpose. Group Picture L-R is Lion Doc Descant, Lion Mike Halbach, Resale employee Beth Boyer, Founding Board Member Bob Baldwin, Lion President Ed De Lany, Lion Bob Ervin and New Member Ruben Curiel. ![]() |
Attorney Susan Bulgawicz |
The Tomball Lions Club Annual Installation![]() Pictured L-R PDG Tony Austin, Lion Cheryl Austin, PDG Paul Moore and Lion Karen Moore, Pat Hancock and Lion President Paul Hancock, District Governor Neal Lander, 1st Vice District Governor Bill Simpson. ![]() Pictured L-R: Lions Karen Halbach, Bubba Hardee, Allen Eckhardt, David Cochran, Bob Ervin, Paul Hancock and Lion PDG Paul Moore (installed officers & Directors) Seated: Lion Paul Descant |
Guest Speakers from Adult & Teen ChallengeTomball Lion Mike Halbach introduced guest speaker Taylor Sills & Kent Priest II from Adult & Teen Challenge. ![]() |
Tomball Memorial High School |
Car Show May 5, 2024Best of Show Winner of The Tomball Lions Club car show on May 5, 2024, was a 1967 Chevrolet Chevelle driven by Matt Dinslage. The Chairman Award and Fan Favorite went to Roger Minson and his wife Tavie (Sheriff & jailbird) driving a 1929 Model A Fordor. Thanks to all for coming to the car show and supporting our fund raiser to help people in the Tomball Community and the Texas Lions Camp in Kerrville, TX. This was a rain or shine event and we only had 56 cars willing to brave the weather, but we had a wonderful time and hope you did too. All proceeds will go to help the Tomball Lion's Club Charities! You don't want to miss this one next year on April 27, 2025. Please put this date on your calendar. We hope you come out and help support this wonderful charity in 2025. Photo L to R: Lion Dan Tralmer, Matt Dinslage and Lion Al Gerhardt ![]() Photo L to R: Lion Dan Tralmer, Roger Minson, Tavie Minson, Denise Davis with TWFG presenting the Fan Favorite Award and Lion Al Gerhardt. ![]() |
Tomball Family-Fund Assistance![]() The Tomball Lions Club assisted a mother and young daughter with a repair on her travel trailer. She needed assistance repairing the roof and purchasing a RV canopy to protect the roof. |
PDG Chris Moorman Guest Speaker
The Woodlands Kiwanis Special OlympicsLion Paul Hancock of the Tomball Lions Club volunteered at The Woodlands Kiwanis Special Olympics. Pictured L-R Lion Paul Hancock of Tomball Lions; Lion Sheila Thomas of Conroe Noon Lions; Kiwanis Judy, Lion Patty Dugan from Cut-N- Shoot Family Lions, and Lion Bill Chilcoat of Montgomery Lions. ![]() |
Texas Lions Foundation– PDG Lion Chuck MartinPictured L-R is TBLC President Paul Hancock, Past District Governor Lion Chuck Martin, Mrs. Hedda Meyer of Hockley (guest of Lions Mike and Karen Halbach) and TBLC Lion Mike Halbach. ![]() |
“Fire Disaster Relief”Treasurer Al Gerhardt pictured here has sent the Tomball Lions Club Fire Disaster Relief check to the Panhandle of Texas Lions Foundation. ![]() |
Tomball Lions Provided New Pair of Hearing Aids![]() Pictured L-R: Lion Speaker Co-Coordinator Mike Halbach and Rubin Curiel-Camboa recipient of the New Pair of Hearing Aids. Photo shows Lion Mike presenting the unique Tomball Lions Club pin.
Tour of Copan Trade, Green Coffee ImportersLion William Dunaway of Tomball Lions Club is involved as Senior Coffee Trader at his family coffee import business located in Tomball, Texas. Copan Trade is a green coffee importer who established their U.S. business in 2002 in Tomball. William's mother, Sheri Dunaway, is the CEO. A community cupping event/open house was held February 23rd at Copan Trade. ![]() |
Tomball Lions Club & Salem Lutheran Church provide GlassesSalem Lutheran Church Honduras Mission Trip 02/22-26/24 ![]() The Tomball Lions Club in conjunction with Tim Cox and recycling plant provided 700 specialized pairs of glasses. Salem provided 2,657 both reader and distance glasses for a total 3,357 pairs of glasses during the Salem Mission Trip. The Tomball Lions club has been providing specialized glasses for several years working with Salem Lutheran Mission trip to Honduras. ![]() |
PDG Ronald Landers Memorial Bowl-A-Thon EventTomball Lions Club sponsored two Strike Level sponsorships this year for the Bowl-A-Thon. Pictured L-R are our Club's two appointed Eye Bank representatives: Lion Paul Hancock, Treasurer of the Eye Bank Executive Committee and Lion Jerome Teichmiller, Trustee. ![]() |
John Griffin's presentation about his role as a Prison Chaplain
Laundry LovePictured from left to right are Tomball Lions Club Treasurer Al Gerhardt, Lady receiving assistance, Owner of Washateria and Directors Erin & Sheri Percell “Laundry Love/Shared Loads.” ![]() |
Fund Raiser at Raising Cane's on Giving TuesdayThe Tomball Lions Club is having a Fund Raiser at Raising Cane's on Giving Tuesday November 28, 2023. Please support us by having lunch or dinner at the Tomball Location and make sure that you mention the Tomball Lions Club sent you, and we will receive a percentage of your sale. Feel free to share this. ![]() |
Tomball Police & Fire Department Donation for Holiday Heroes
13th Annual Families Feeding Families![]() The Tomball Lions Club presented a $2,000 check to help Tomball Families Feeding Families provide Thanksgiving meals to families that would not otherwise have a hot Thanksgiving meal. The Tomball Lions Club provided Vision Screening for the attendees. |
Tomball Holiday ParadeLions Left – Right Lion Karen Halbach, Jerome Teichmiller, Paul Hancock, John Seber, Russell McKinney, Lion Mascot Nicole and father Matt Straub. Lion Mike Halbach and Eva Gerhardt. Not Shown Linda Seber. Lion Al Gerhardt taking the photo. ![]() |
Guest Speakers – PTSD Foundation of America - Camp HopePictured Left to Right: Lion Bubba Hardee, Zackery Wallis, Marilyn Kinyo, Randal Seaton, Lion Bob Ervin and Lion Russell McKinney. ![]() 2023 Fund Allocation Presentation The guest speakers were team members from the PTSD Foundation of America, specifically Camp Hope, including:
Randall and Zackery both went through the Camp Hope program and shared their stories about finding a new way of life at Camp Hope after suffering from combat-related trauma as well as providing insight regarding the operation of Camp Hope. |
Medical & Vision Mission Trip to Honduras![]() Salem Lutheran Church Annual Medical & Vision Mission Trip to Honduras providing care to the people in Copan, Honduras. |
Lion Past President Jerome Teichmiller recognized for 50 years of LionismPictured Left to Right: Lion Past President Jerome Teichmiller and Lion Bob Ervin. ![]() Lion Past President Jerome Teichmiller pictured with Mayor Lori Klein Quinn. ![]() The Tomball Lions Club recognized Lions Past President Jerome Teichmiller with an award for being a LCI Lion for 50 years. Mayor Lori presented a proclamation designating Friday September 08, 2023, as ”Lion Jerome Teichmiller Day in Tomball”. Following the meeting, the Tomball Lions Club celebrated the day with a cake and balloons.
Guest Speaker – Mayor Lori Klein QuinnPictured left to right: Lion Ed DeLany, Mayor Lori Klein Quinn, City Manager David Esquivel. Lion President Paul Hancock, and Lion Past President Jerome Teichmiller. ![]() Mayor Lori Klein Quinn provided an update on State of the City including current statistics on residential, commercial and industrial growth in Tomball. She also discussed the general growth projections going forward. City Manager David Esquivel discussed the many city items in a slide presentation. He spoke about the growth of the city which is required while addressing concerns over too much growth.
Guest Speaker – Richard Binckley
Guest Speaker – Shelia ThomasLion Director Mike Halbach introduced Guest Speaker Shelia Thomas at the Tomball Lions Club meeting on Friday, July 28th. ![]() |
Tomball Lions Club sponsors new clubThe Tomball Lions Club sponsors the new Charter club Magnolia Tri County Lions Club. The Gong was presented to President Jenny Mangrum on Charter Night. Pictured L-R Administrator/Treasurer Al Gerhardt, Magnolia Tri County Lions Club President Jenny Mangrum and Tomball Lions Club 1st Vice President Ed De Lany. The Banner was presented to President Jenny Mangrum at the board of directors meeting. Pictured with Tomball Lions Club Administrator/Treasurer Al Gerhardt and Magnolia Tri County Lions Club President Jenny Mangrum are the entire board of directors. ![]() |
William Dunaway - Awarded Joe Mahan Vest |
Tri-County Health Alliance GrantExecutive Director Ann Marie Paradowski made a presentation of a $6000.00 grant to the Tomball Lions Club Treasurer Al Gerhardt. They are giving the funds with the stipulation that they will only be used to purchase Eye Glasses and Hearing Aids for families in the Tri-County Area (Tomball, Magnolia, and Waller) Communities. Pictured L-R Executive Director Ann Marie Paradowski and Tomball Lions Club Treasurer Al Gerhardt. ![]() |
Tomball Volunteer Fire Department Presentation
Presentation of Food for the TEAM Food Pantry![]() Pictured Left-Right- Front Row Lion Directors Karen Halbach and Mike Halbach and Back Row H-E-B representatives Patty James and son Taylor James.
Tomball Lions Club Annual Installation![]() ![]() CAMPIONI’s Restaurant June 14, 2023 |
Laundry Love / Shared LoadsPictured from left to right are Directors Erin Percell “Laundry Love” and Tomball Lions Club Treasurer Al Gerhardt. ![]() |
Tomball Lions Club (TBLC) 06/09/23
Special Guest Lions 2-S5 Mike & Kathy Wilson
Financial Assistance ProvidedTomball Lions Club provided financial assistance for a family in the Tomball Community. The assistance helped build a handicap ramp and repaired the car port. This project follows the Lions Clubs International Motto “We Serve” in the communities. ![]() |
High School Scholarship Recipients |
High School Scholarship Recipients |
Sunflower Bank Branch Manager Mikelyn Corkran
Recycle Glasses![]() RECYCLED EYEGLASSES Usable Glasses Give New Life. Refractive errors can be easily corrected with eyeglasses; yet millions living in low and middle income countries as well as in the U.S. lack access to basic eye care services. Lions have recognized the urgent need for corrective lenses and therefore collect usable glasses to support the Lions Recycle for Sight Program. |
Tomball German FestivalPresident Jerome Teichmiller Introduced Speaker Craig Bogner, General Manager of the Tomball German Festivals. Pictured Left-Right: Speaker Craig Bogner and Director Mike Halbach. |
Shared LoadsLaundry Love / Shared Loads – Tomball, Texas Directors Erin & Sheri Percell ![]() |
TOMAGWA CEO-Timika Simmons - Guest SpeakerPresident Jerome Teichmiller Introduced Speaker Timika Simmons Chief Executive Officer of TOMAGWA (Tomball, Magnolia, Waller) HealthCare Ministries. Pictured Left-Right: 2nd Vice President Paul Hancock, Tomagwa Director Kristy Salinas, CEO Timika Simmons, Special Director Darrell Pile and Lion Director Mike Halbach. ![]() |
New Member - Dan TralmerPresident Jerome Teichmiller welcomed new member Daniel Tralmer who became a member of the Tomball Lions Club on 01/17/23. Pictured Left-Right: Club Administrator and Lion Member Sponsor Al Gerhardt, New Lion Member Daniel Tralmer and President Jerome Teichmiller. |
Speaker Paige FaganPresident Jerome Teichmiller Introduced Speaker Paige M. Fagan – Personal & Commercial Lines Agent at the Gretchen Fagan Agency for Farmers Insurance. She discussed the reasons why insurance rates have gone up so much in the past year but especially the past 6 months. Pictured Left to Right: Lion Bubba Hardee, Dictrict 2-s2 Governor Paul Moore, Farmers Agent & Speaker Paige Fagan, Farmers Agent Gretchen Fagan and Lion Bob Ervin |
Families Feeding FamiliesTomball Lion 1st Vice President Bob Ervin presented a Fund Assistance Check to the Tomball Families Feeding Families. Pictured L-R 2nd Vice Paul Hancock, Families Feeding Families Director Camille Hamilton and 1st Vice President Bob Ervin. |
Tomball Family Financial AssistancePhoto - Pictured L-R Tomball Lions Club Treasurer Al Gerhardt with Family Dog Comet The Tomball Lions Club has aided a Mother and young daughter in Tomball unable to afford the monthly increase in rent on their apartment. They were forced to move out and purchased a trailer using all her savings. The trailer required some major repair work, and it is now ready. This process took 4 months and she is finally back settled in her home with a 2-year-old and her large dog Comet. During that 4 months it was going to be necessary for her to board her dog at a cost of $230 / week. Lion Al Gerhardt and his wife agreed to board Comet for 4 months at no cost to the family. This photo is Comet and Lion Al upon his return to the family.
Tomball Mayor Lori Klein QuinnLion President Jerome Teichmiller introduced guest speaker Tomball Mayor Lori Klein Quinn. Pictured left-right Past President Lion Mike Halbach, Lion David McClinton, Tomball Regional Heath Foundation Interim CEO Marilyn Kinyo, Tomball Mayor Lori Klein Quinn and Lion Allen Eckhardt. |
Dr. Kashif J. Piracha![]() On 7/15/2022, Dr Kashif J, Oiracha, MD, FACP, FASN, FNKF spoke to the members of the Tomball Lions Club about "Living with Chronic Disease". Pictured from left to right are: Tomball Lions Club Director Paul Hancock, Dr. Kashif J. Piracha, MD, FACP, FASN, FNKF and Tomball Lions Club Director Dr. Paul Descant.
Texas Lions Camp Donation![]() On July 13, 2022, The Texas Lions Camp in Kerrville, Texas sent a thank you letter to the Tomball Lions Club thanking them for their generous $500.00 donation to the Camper Picnic Program which provides camping experiences to children with physical disabilities, Type-1 Diabetes or Cancer at no cost to their families. The photo above is one of the kids and his mother who recently attended the Camper Program.
TOMAGWA Annual Fund Allocation![]() Tomball Lions Club Treasurer Al Gerhardt presented the Tomball Lions Club Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Fund Annual Allocation Check of $7,000 to the Tomball, Magnolia and Waller (TOMAGWA) Health Care Ministries. Pictured above from Left to Right are: Community Relation Coordinator Kristy Salinas, Patient Access Manager Mia Ruiz, Tomball Lions Club Director Mike Halbach, CEO Timka Simmons, CFO Stephen Hughes, Tomball Lions Club Treasurer Al Gerhardt, Dr. Flower and Dental Administrator Isabel Perez. |
TEAM Annual Allocation![]() Tomball Lions Club Treasurer Al Gerhardt Presented the Tomball Lions Club Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Annual Allocation Check of $7,000 to the Tomball Emergency Assistance Ministries (TEAM). Pictured above from Left to Right are: Tomball Lions Club Director Mike Halbach, TEAM Community, Executive Director Barry Hart and Tomball Lions Club Treasurer Al Gerhardt. |
Laundry Love Appreciation Letter![]() On July 10, 2022, the Laundry of Love sent the Tomball Lions Club an appreciation letter thanking them for their generous gift. Pictured from left to right are Directors Sheri & Erin Percell of “Laundry Love”, Tomball Lions Club Treasurer Al Gerhardt and Mohammed Iqbal (Owner of Washateria on Heidi Lane, Tomball, Texas).
Laundry Love![]() Tomball Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt Presented the Annual Fund Allocation Check of $500 in quarters (Large Heavy Box Weighing 30 Pounds) to Erin & Sheri Percell, Directors of “Laundry Love / Shared Loads” They use the quarters at the Washateria. Erin & Sheri Percell said that will change the lives of 40 families. Pictured from left to right are Directors Sheri & Erin Percell of “Laundry Love”, Tomball Lions Club Treasurer Al Gerhardt and Mohammed Iqbal (Owner of Washateria on Heidi Lane, Tomball, Texas). |
Steven Vaughn![]() Simmons Banker Steven Vaughn was introduced by Lion President Joe Sykora Jr. Pictured Left to Right are: Finance Committee Chairperson Mike Halbach, Banker Steven Vaughn, President Joe Sykora Jr. and New Club Member Russell McKinney. |
Vision Screening with TOMAGWA![]() On June 23, 2022, the Tomball Lions Club Vision Screening Group partnered with TOMAGWA to provide free vision screening to needy patients. Pictured from left to right are: Past President Mike Halbach and Vision Screening Committee Chairperson Paul Hancock. |
Salem Mission Trip to Kenya![]() From May 30, 2022 to June 11, 2022, the Mission Team from Salem Lutheran Church took thousands of eyeglasses donated by the Tomball Lions Club to Kenya Africa. Pictured above is the Salem Mission Team led by Kevin Pieper (on one knee wearing a white shirt on the far left side of the photo).
Camp Hope Annual Allocation![]() Tomball Lions Club presented the annual allocation of $1,250 to Camp Hope, a PTSD Foundation of America outreach facility located on Derrington Road in Northwest Houston. Pictured from left to right are 2nd Vice President Paul Hancock (Veteran), David Maulsby, Executive Director Camp Hope, Director David Cochran and Treasure Al Gerhardt (Veteran). |
28th Annual Car Show![]() On April 24, 2022, The Tomball Lions Club held its annual car show. Pictured above is the Thomas Richard Heitzman Show Car – 1906 Maxwell – Brisco / Model L Tourabout. Sitting in the car is the Tomball Lions Club Mascot (Hailey Straub - daughter of Matt & Beth Straub). |
TEAM Update![]() On April 22, 2022, Lion President Joe Sykora Jr. introduced T.E.A.M Executive Director J. Barry Hart, Jr. Pictured left to right are: Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt, T.E.A.M Executive Director J. Barry Hart, Jr. and Lion Director Paul Hancock.
Paul Cheny![]() On April 8, 2022, Paul Cheney (Salem Lutheran Church Director of Missions) spoke to the members of the Tomball Lions Club. Pictured above from left to right are: President Joe Sykora Jr., SLC Director of Missions Paul Cheney and Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt.
Lion Joe Sebesta Passing![]() From President Joe Sykora Jr. It is with a heavy heart that I inform you of the Passing of Lion Joe Sebesta. Lion Joe had been a part of Lions Club International since October of 1989. Please keep Lion Joe’s family in your thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. Donations can be made in memory of Joe Sebesta to the Tomball Lions Club, P. O. Box 34, Tomball, TX 77377 or to Zion Lutheran Church Building Fund, 907 Hicks Street, Tomball, TX 77375. |
2022 Tomball Chili Cook Off![]() We were out enjoying the beautiful weather at the 2022 Tomball Chili cook off! Thank you to everyone who came out to see us and taste some wonderful chili! Members of the TBLC are shown above.
T.E.A.M. Update![]() Lion President Joe Sykora Jr. introduced T.E.A.M Executive Director J. Barry Hart, Jr. Pictured L-R are: Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt, T.E.A.M Executive Director J. Barry Hart, Jr. and Lion Director Paul Hancock. |
Underwriter Appreciation Award![]() Tomball Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt Presented the Tomball Lions Club Underwriter‘s Appreciation Plaque and Banner to Denise Davis – Owner of TWFG Denise Davis Insurance – (www.deniseinsuresme.com). The Banner will be placed at both the Tomball Lions Club Fundraisers - Annual Car Show and Golf Tournament. Pictured (L-R): Tomball Lions Club Treasurer Al Gerhardt and TWFG Insurance - Denise Davis. |
1st VDG Paul Moore![]() District 2-S2 1st Vice-District Governor Paul Moore, was introduced by Lion President Joe Sykora Jr. Pictured above is District 2-S2 1st Vice-District Governor Paul Moore. |
Scouts BSA![]() BSA Dylan Kellner & Mike Overman, were introduced by Lion President Joe Sykora Jr. Pictured from left to right are: Lion Bubba Hardy, BSA Dylan Kellner & Mike Overman and President Joe Sykora Jr. |
Usable Glasses Give New Life![]() Tomball Lion's Club collects eye glasses to take to the Conroe Refurbishing plant for the Recycle Eye Glass program.. Pictured above is Director Paul Hancock making a collection.
Bruce Hillegeist![]() Bruce Hillegeist, President of the Greater Tomball Area Chamber of Commerce, was introduced by Lion President Joe Sykora Jr. Pictured left to right are Lion Paul Descant, Speaker Tomball Chamber of Commerce President Bruce Hillegeist and Lion David McClinton. |
VFW Post 2427 Auxiliary Annual Allocation![]() Tomball Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt Presented the Fund Allocation Check of $500 to the Tomball – Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2427 Auxiliary. Pictured L-R Front Row - President of the VFW Auxiliary Candi Baines, Bell Clark, Renee Usher and Tomball Lions Club Treasurer Al Gerhardt – Back Row – VFW Auxiliary Cinda Siegel, Wanda Gray, Kandi Lewis and Terri Free.
Lions Camp Presentation![]() President Joe Sykora introduced Guest Speakers Lions Kevin Smith with the Montgomery Lions Club and Bob (Hollywood) Martin with the Magnolia Lions Club. Both are Texas Lions Camp Directors and Lion Kevin is our District Zone P-3 Chair. Standing (l-r): Lion Secretary Ed De Lany, Texas Lions Camp Speakers Director Bob (Hollywood) Martin, Director Kevin Smith and Lion President Joe Sykora Jr. |
TWFG Insurance - Denise Davis Thank You![]() The Tomball Lions Club would like to thank TWFG Insurance - Denise Davis (www.deniseinsuresme.com) for supporting our club by purchasing the RedMax Backpack Blower donated by D-S Lawn & Automotive. Pictured above from left to right are: TWFG Insurance - Denise Davis and Tomball Lions Club Treasurer Al Gerhardt. |
Families Feeding Families![]() Tomball Lion President Joe Sykora Jr. presented a Fund Assistance Check to the Tomball Families Feeding Families. Pictured L-R are Tomball Lion President Joe Sykora Jr., Families Feeding Families Director Camille Hamilton and Tomball Lion Secretary Ed De Lany. |
New Date for Annual Golf Tournament November 4th |
Special Car Show Support Award![]() The Tomball Lions Club was pleased to present this award to Tomball High School Principal Chris Scott. Pictured Left to Right are: Tomball Lions Club President Joe Sykora Jr, Tomball High School Principal Chris Scott and Lions Club Treasurer Al Gerhardt! |
Tri-County Health Alliance Grant![]() Executive Director Ann Marie Paradowski made a presentation of a $6000.00 grant to the Tomball Lions Club Treasurer, Al Gerhardt. Pictured left to right are: Executive Director Ann Marie Paradowski and Tomball Lions Club Treasurer Al Gerhardt. |
PDG Chuck Martin![]() Secretary Ed Delany introduced Past District Governor (PDG) Executive Director Chuck Martin. Standing (left-right) are: Director Dr. Paul DesCant, Speaker Executive Director & PDG Chuck Martin and Secretary Ed De Lany. |
Moving Waters![]() On August 27, 2021, Jennifer Park, Founder and Director of Moving Waters Ministry, spoke to the Tomball Lions Club membership about what she is doing to help the homeless. Pictured above from left to right are: Past President Mike Halbach, Speaker Jennifer Park (holding a $500 check from the TBLC) and Director Karen Halbach.
New Member!![]() On 8/13/2021, our club welcomed a new member to our club! Lion William Dunaway has joined the Tomball Lions Club from the lions Club De Leones Santa Rosa De Copan, Honduras. Pictured above from left to right: Lions President Joe Sykora Jr. and transfer member William Dunaway. |
Transformational Speaker![]() On 8/13/2021, President Joe Sykora introduced Professional Transformational Speaker Rory Aplanalp. Pictured above from left to right are: Director Allen Eckhardt, Speaker Rory Aplanalp and Lion President Joe Sykora Jr. |
Tomball Lions Club Gives Three $1,000 Camp Counselor Scholarships![]() Scholarship Recipients Left – Right – Jesus Diego Lopez, Makenna Thigpen, and Kalee Scott. |
Lion Memory Brick Presentations |
Youth Essay Contest Winner Ms Anuska Santra![]() Standing (l-r): Essay Committee members Lion Past President Mike Halbach, Lion Director Karen Halbach, Tomball High School 2019 – 2021 Contestant Winner Anuska Santra; Lion President Joe Sykora Jr. and Lion Paul Hancock. Not pictured here but also serving on the Tomball Lion’s Essay Committee are Lions Reyna Sirias-Ortiz and Erin Stapleton. |
Lions Helping Our Community![]() Pictured from left to right are the Family Children, Mother and the Tomball Lions Club Treasurer Al Gerhardt. |
Tomagwa 2021-2022 Funding Allocation |
TEAM Annual Funds Presentation![]() Pictured Left to Right: Tomball Lions Club Treasurer Al Gerhardt, TEAM Community Relations Manager Dandi Daniels, Team Executive Director Barry Hart and Tomball Lions Club Director Karen Halbach.
Lions Clubs come together to help the family of an injured 3 year old![]() Pictured from left to right are the Hempstead Lions Treasurer JT Howard and President Cindy Pearce and the Tomball Lions Club Treasurer Al Gerhardt. |
Tomball Lions Club Welcomes Robert Berry |
What does it mean to be a Lion? |
Tomball Lions Club Welcomes Guest Speakers Lion Paul Descant and Lion Liza GarzaPictured from left to right are Lion Secretary Paul Hancock, Lion Paul Descant MD, Lion Liza Garza, Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt and Lion President Joe Sykora Jr. |
2021 Lions Eye Bank Bowl A Thon![]() Pictured from left to right: Lion Allen Eckhardt, Lion Tania Hall, Lion Tania Hall Husband John Hall, Lion Al Gerhardt (Non-Bowler) and Lion David Cochran |
TLC helps support a path off the streets for local homeless.![]() Pictured from left to right: Front Row (l-r): Dr. Alicia Friday, Lion President Joe Sykora Jr., Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt (Tomball Lions Club), Tiffany Fuller and Keri Porter. Back Row (l-r): Dr. Ashley Clayburn, Dr. Steven Gutierrez, Dennis Wilkins, Cory Wells, Christy Petrilla and Tori Gleason. |
Tomagwa loses $25,000 worth of insulin due to freezePictured: Alejandra Ramos, Executive Project Specialist Gabriela Rodarte, Patient Access Specialist Alexis Kulik, Director of Public Affairs and Communications Katina Mein, Director of Development Lion Al Gerhardt (Fundraising Wizard) Jasmine Bacelis, Patient Access Specialist Deanna Lowenstein, Patient Access Manager Julianna Marsh, Case Manager |
Tomball Lions Meet Police Chief Jeffrey BertPictured L-R Lion President Joe Sykora, Tomball Police Chief Jeffrey Bert, Lion Mike Halbach, and new Lion Jack Brooks |
Lion Al Presented with Membership AwardPictured from left to right are Lion President Joe Sykora Jr. and Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt |
Houston Livestock Show and RodeoPictured from left to right are Lion President Joe Sykora Jr., Angelic Read, and Tomball Lion Past President Mike Halbach |
Operation Underground RailroadPictured from left to right -Lion President Joe Sykora Jr. , Tami Maloney, Audry Amirian, Cherry Petenbrink, Lion Speaker Coordinator Edward DeLany |
Chief Brian Bayani Discusses EMS Response |
2020 Families Feeding Families![]() Tomball Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt Presented the Fund Allocation Check to the Tomball Families Feeding Families. Pictured L-R are Families Feeding Families Director Camille Hamilton and Tomball Lions Club Treasurer Al Gerhardt. |
Veterans Trauma and Suicide PreventionPictured from left to right are Lion President Joe Sykora Jr., Charles (Chuck) Wright TSP and Tomball Lion Secretary Paul Hancock. |
2020 Laundry Love / Shared Love![]() Tomball Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt Presented the Fund Allocation Check to Erin & Sheri Percell, Directors of “Laundry Love / Shared Loads”. Pictured from left to right are “Laundry Love / Shared Load” Directors Erin & Sheri Percell and Tomball Lions Club Treasurer Al Gerhardt. |
2020 TOMAGWA Presentation![]() Tomball Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt Presented a Fund Assistance Check of $2,000 to TOMAGWA Health Care Ministries (Tomball – Magnolia – Waller). Pictured L-R are Alejandra Ramos, Lone Star College Intern, Amber Lovatos, Director, Dental Clinic, Tomball Lions Club Treasurer Al Gerhardt, Tomagwa CEO Timika Simmons, Amber Guindon, Director of Operations. |
2020 TEAM Presentation![]() Tomball Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt Presented the Fund Allocation Check to the Tomball Emergency Assistance Ministries (T.E.A.M.). Pictured L-R are Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt and, T.E.A.M Executive Director J. Barry Hart, Jr. |
Memorial Brick Presentation to Lion Danny Zitterich![]() Tomball Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt presented Tomball Lion’s Camp Memory Brick to Vera for Danny Zitterich. Photo pictured L-R are Vera Zitterich (Danny Zee’s wife) and Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt. |
Welcome New Member Lion Jack BrooksPictured Left – Right: President Joe Sykora Jr., New Member Jack Brooks and Treasurer &. Membership Chairman Al Gerhardt Tomball Lion President Joe Sykora Jr. Presented a Certificate of Membership to New Member Jack Brooks.
Shared Loads, Putting Faith into Action!Pictured from left to right are Past President Mike Halbach, Directors Erin & Sheri Percell “Shared Loads” and Tomball Lion President Joe Sykora Jr The ability to put on a clean shirt is a simple pleasure that for some is a luxury just beyond their reach. This is where Erin and Cheri Purcell of Shared Loads have put their faith into action.
TBLC Funds Presentation![]() Tomball Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt Presented a Fund Assistance Check to the City of Tomball Police & Fire Department for Christmas Aid in the Tomball Community. Pictured L-R Tomball Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt, Mayor Gretchen Fagan and Tomball President Joe Sykora Jr. |
Meet the New Tomball Fire Department Assistant Chief![]() From left – Right Lion Bubba Hardy, Assistant Fire Chief Taner Drake, President Joe Sykora Jr
Joe Sykora, Sr Family Memory Brick PresentationTBLC Texas Lions Camp Joe Sykora, Sr. Memory Brick Presentation. Left to right Secretary Paul Hancock, President Joe Sykora Jr., and lion Bubba Hardee.
Thanksgiving Fund Assistance![]() On 9/25/20, Tomball Lion President Joe Sykora Jr. presented a Fund Assistance Check to the Tomball Families Feeding Families. Pictured L-R are: Past President Mike Halbach, Families Feeding Families Director Camille Hamilton and Tomball Lion President Joe Sykora Jr.
TBLC Eye Bank Ambassador Awards![]() Tomball Lions club President Joe Sykora Jr. presented the Eye Bank Ambassador Award to members Al Gerhardt and Paul Hancock. Pictured from left to right are Joe Sykora and Al Gerhardt.
2020 Veterans of Foreign Wars![]() Tomball Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt Presented the Fund Allocation Check of $500 to the Tomball – Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2427 Auxiliary. Pictured L-R are Tomball Lions Club Treasurer Al Gerhardt, Secretary Christina Arnold and Treasurer Candice Baines of the VFW Auxiliary. |
2020-2021 Installation Banquet![]() The Tomball Lions Club Annual Awards & Officer Installation Banquet was held on June 30, 2020. District Governor Tony Austin and his wife Cheryl and Past District Governor Eddie Risha and his wife Lion Diana were in attendance to do the Installation of Officers and Directors. Officers & Directors are pictured left - right: In screen is 2nd Vice President, Director Ed De Lany, Standing: 1st Vice President Jerome Teichmiller, Director John Phillips (Tail Twister), Director Allen Eckhardt (Lion Tamer), Director Karen Halbach, Multi-District 2-S2 Governor Tony Austin, President Elect Joe Sykora Jr., Director Erin Stapleton, Immediate Past President Michael Halbach, Past President Robert "Bob" Ervin and Treasurer Al Gerhardt.
COVID-19 Support for TOMAGWA![]() The Tomball Lions club delivered multiple shipments of COVID-19 medical supplies on May 18 and June 17, 2020 to the Tomagwa (Tomball, Magnolia and Waller, Texas) Health Care Ministries. Pictured from left to right are: Deanna Lowenstein, Stepanie Creado, Lion Al Gerhardt and Kent Womack. |
Al Gerhardt Stalwarts Award![]() Congratulations to Lion Al Gerhardt for receiving a "Stalwarts Award" from District Governor Tony Austin at today's District Celebratory Lunch at the Marriott Houston North Hotel. In presenting the award for "outstanding support of our Association" DG Tony also recognized Lion Al's wife, Eva, for her assistance and support of her husband. Pictured above from left to right are: Cheryl Austin, DG Tony Austin, Al Gerhardt and Eva Gerhardt.
TOMAGWA COVID-19 Supplies![]() The Tomball Lions Club presented the supplies obtained from the Lions Club International Foundation (LCIF) Grant to Tomagwa (Tomball, Magnolia & Waller). The supplies included 121 KN95 Masks, 3 Boxes of Latex Power Free Gloves and 10 Cloth Masks. The Tomagwa staff received the approximately 3 weeks of very badly needed supplies. They would like to thank LCIF for the supplies and appreciate Multi-District 2-S2 and the Tomball Lions Club for the coordination in getting these supplies to them. Pictured L – R: Lion Mike Halbach, Tomagwa Staff, Middle Lion Al Gerhardt, Tomagwa Plant Operations Manager Kent Womack and Lion Paul Hancock.
Covid-19 Assistance![]() The Tomball Lions Club presented a check for funding to TOMAGWA (Tomball, Magnolia and Waller) to be used for the 2020 Covid-19 Assistance effort. Pictured from left to right are: Tomagwa Plant Operations Manager Kent Womack and Tomball Lions Club Treasurer Al Gerhardt.
Leader Dogs for the Blind![]() Lion President introduced our speaker, Lion Larry Smith of The Woodlands Lions Club. Lion Larry is the District 2-S2 Chairman of Leader Dogs for the Blind, and was accompanied by his assistant Bentley, a 7-year old German Shepherd Leader Dog. Pictured from left to right are Lion Karen Halbach, Conroe Noon Lion Larry Smith, Leader Dog Bentley, Lion Bob Ervin, Grandson Charlie Taylor and Lion Secretary Paul Hancock. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt. |
Eye Glass Mission Project![]() Lion President Mike Halbach asked Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt to start the presentation scheduled for today. Lion Al introduced Lion Tim Cox of the Conroe Noon Lions Club and Christy Lieder Co-Leader of the Salem Lutheran Church Mission Team. Lions & guest pictured left-right: Lion President Mike Halbach, Lion Tim Cox of the Conroe Noon Lions Club, Christy Lieder Co-Leader of the Salem Lutheran Church Mission Team, Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt and Lion Secretary Paul Hancock. |
2020 Multi-District 2-S2 Bowl-A-Thon
Allen Eckhardt Presentation![]() Lion President Mike Halbach presented a LCI Membership Pin to Lion Director Allen Eckhardt for bringing into The Tomball Lions Club a new lion member David Cochran. Lions pictured left-right are: President Mike Halbach and Lion Director Allen Eckhardt. |
Inspiring Possibilities![]() Lion President Mike Halbach introduced our speaker, Colleen Henggeler. Colleen is the Executive Director of Inspiring Possibilities. Lions & guest pictured left-right: Lion Don Pribilski, Colleen Henggeler and Lion Ken Neal. |
Terry Kitchen Memorial![]() Tomball Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt presented Tomball Lion’s Camp Memory Brick to Keith Kitchen, brother for Lion Terry Kitchen. Pictured above from left to right are: Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt and Keith Kitchen (Brother of Lion Terry Kitchen). |
Sponsorship of Spark Foundation![]() On January 28, 2020 The Tomball Lions Club provided three (3) Scholarships to the Create a Sparks Foundation. In the photo with numerous Spark students: back row far left - Instructor Beth Helms and far right Instructor Stephanie Hill. Also pictured presenting the check for $1,200 are Tomball Lions Club Treasurer Al Gerhardt and Tomball Lions Club President Mike Halbach. |
District 2-S2 Mid-Winter Conference![]() On January 25, 2020 members of The Tomball Lions Club attended the 2020 District 2-S2 Mid-Winter Conference at the Hilton Houston North Hotel in Houston, Texas. Pictured above left to right are: President Mike Halbach, Lion Director Karen Halbach, Youth Essay Tomball Lions Club Participant Anuska Santra, Lion 1st Vice President Dr. Reyna-Sirias, Secretary Paul Hancock, Lion Al Eckhardt, 2nd Vice President & Membership Chairperson Erin Stapleton and Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt.
Tomball Police Department![]() Lion Mike introduced our speaker, Tomball Police Department Captain Ricky Doerre. Lion Mike welcomed new member Ed De Lany. Lions & guest pictured left-right: Lion Joe Sykora, Tomball Police Department Captain Ricky Doerre, New Lion member Tomball EMT Ed De Lany and Secretary Paul Hancock. |
VFW Auxiliary Post 2427Tomball Lions Club (TBLC) 01/07/2020 Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2427 Auxiliary Annual Allocation - Tomball, Texas Tomball Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt Presented the Fund Allocation Check of $500 to the Tomball – Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2427 Auxiliary. Pictured L-R President of the VFW Auxiliary Carol Steinocher and Tomball Lions Club Treasurer Al Gerhardt. |
Joe Sykora - Fire Marshall Tomball![]() Lion Mike introduced our speaker, our own club member Lion Joe Sykora. Lion Joe is the Fire Marshall of Tomball, Texas. Joe has served the Tomball community since 2008 where he has been a part-time firefighter, a Lieutenant, a Captain, and now the city’s Fire Marshall. Lions & guest pictured left-right, Tomball Fire Marshall & Lion Joe Sykora and Lion Past President Bubba Hardee. |
2019 Fall Baseball Season![]() On January 03, 2020 The Tomball Lions Club provided a sponsorship to the Tomball Little League for the 2019 Fall Baseball Season. Pictured from left to right are: Tomball Lions Club Treasurer Al Gerhardt and Tomball Little League President Brian Quinn. |
Houston Livestock & Rodeo![]() Lion President Mike Halbach introduced our speaker Megan Ortiz of the Houston Livestock & Rodeo Association. Megan is a sixth-generation Houstonian hailing from Cut N Shoot, Texas. Lions & guest pictured left to right, Lion Director David Cockran, Director Bob Ervin, President Mike Halbach, Speaker Megan Ortiz, Tail Twister John Phillips and 2nd Vice President Erin Stapleton. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt. |
Families Feeding Families Vision Screening Project![]() The Tomball Lions Club provided vision screening for children at the 9th Annual Families Feeding Families Community Event at the Salem Lutheran Church Community Center on Wednesday November 27, 2019. The photo above is of the many families who came for the food and the vision screening.
2019 Tomball CofC Holiday Parade
Lions Jim and Becky Noone![]() Lion Mike introduced speakers Lion PDG Jim Noone and Lion Becky Noone and gave a detailed of their backgrounds and positions in the Lions over the years. Pictured above from left to right are: Lion Don Pribilski, Lion Becky Noone, Lion Jim Noone and President Lion Mike Halbach.
Tomball Lions Club Vision Screening![]() The Tomball Lions Club members’ Lions President Mike Halbach, Secretary Paul Hancock and Director Karen Halbach participated in doing Vision Screening for children at the Kiddie Academy Educational Child Care, “Northpointe”. Houston Cy-Fair Lions Club Lion PDG Chuck Martin participated in the training and overseeing of the Vision Screening of Children. The Tomball Lions Club is available to perform vision screening for Daycare facilities in the Tomball ISD community. Pictured above from left to right are: Lions Karen Halbach, PDG Chuck Martin, Mike Halbach and Paul Hancock gathering before starting the vision screening |
At Your Side Home Care![]() Lion President Mike Halbach introduced David and Laura Hittler, owners of At Your Side Home Care. Lions & guest pictured left-right are: Lion Don Pribilski, David and Laura Hittler and Past President Lion Bob Ervin. |
The Union Pacific's 4014 "Big Boy"![]() The Tomball Lions Club members teamed up with the Texas Railroading Heritage Museum - Tomball to assist in crowd control during the public display of Union Pacific's UP-4014 "Big Boy" at the Amtrak Station in downtown Houston on Thursday, November 7, 2019. Shown next to Big Boy (l/r) are: Lions Ken Neal, David Cochran and President Mike Halbach. Not shown: Lion Erin Stapleton. |
Camp Hope Tour![]() Lion President Mike Halbach and other Lions Club members David Cochran and Erin Stapleton toured the Camp Hope facilities in northwest Houston on October 24, 2019. Pictured left-right are Lion President Mike Halbach, Camp Hope Volunteer Coordinator Allison McBryde, Lion Director David Cochran, Camp Hope Office Volunteer Jean, and Camp Hope Operations Manager Andrew Snyder. |
Tomball PD & FD Fund Assistance![]() Tomball Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt Presented a Fund Assistance Check to the City of Tomball Police & Fire Department for Christmas Aid in the Tomball Community. Pictured left to right are Tomball Fire Chief Randy Parr, Mayor Gretchen Fagan, Tomball Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt and Tomball Police Chief Billy Tidwell. |
Bob Visioli![]() Lion Mike introduced our speaker, Mr. Bob Visioli. Pictured left to right are Bob Visioli and Tomball Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt. |
2019 Patriot Day Sporting Challenge![]() Tomball Lion Joe Sykora Stands with Star Kid Andy Hampton during the sporting Challenge on October 4, 2019. Pictured left to right are Lion Joe Sykora and Star Kid Andy Hampton.
New Member Don Pribilski![]() Tomball Lion President Mike Halbach Presented a Certificate of Membership to New Member Don Pribilski. Pictured from Left to Right: Membership Chairman Vice President Erin Stapleton, New Member Don Pribilski and Lion President Mike Halbach. |
Speaker IPDG Sponsorship Acceptance![]() Lion President Mike Halbach introduced our guest speaker, Lion Immediate Past District Governor (IPDG) Karl Johnson. Pictured above from left to right are Lion Secretary Paul Hancock, Speaker IPDG Karl Johnson, Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt and Lion Past President Bob Ervin. |
Robert Bruce Smith![]() Honoring The Life of Robert “Bruce” Smith March 3, 1943 – September 15, 2019 To All Lions, Everyone, Please keep the family of Lion “Bruce Smith” in your Prayers. We will have a “Memory of Robert Bruce Smith” sign at the Golf Tournaments & Car Shows as “Bruce” has joined the list of other fallen Lions of the Tomball Lions Club. His name will be added to the Lions Vision Center located at TOMAGWA in Tomball. May He Rest In Peace! “ROAR, ROAR, ROAR”!!! |
Montgomery County Women's Center![]() Lion President Mike Halbach introduced the guest speaker, Norma Lopez who is the Outreach Education Coordinator for Montgomery County Women’s Center. Pictured from left to right are Lion Tania Hall, Speaker Norma Lopez, Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt and new Lion member Joe Sykora. |
TOMAGWA Vision Center Memorial![]() The Tomball Lions Club Vision Center Memorial is located in the Tomagwa Clinic facility on School Street in Tomball. The Lions Center has been in operation for about fifteen years. Pictured Left-Right are Benjamina Covarrubias (Development Coordinator), Timika Simmons (CEO), Tomball Lions Club Treasurer Al Gerhardt and Alexis Kulik (Major Gifts Officer).
Eagle Scout Daniel Ortiz Installation
2019-2020 TEAM Allocation![]() Tomball Lion President Mike Halbach Presented a Fund Assistance Check to the Tomball Emergency Assistance Ministries (T.E.A.M.). Pictured from left to right are: Lion Director Karen Halbach, Lion President Mike Halbach, T.E.A.M Executive Director J. Barry Hart, Jr. and Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt. |
Multi District President & Secretary Meeting![]() 0n 9/4/2019, District 2-S2 P&S Council Meeting was held at the China Bear Restaurant and it was a huge success. The Lions present collected over 150 stuffed lions for our cancer patients. This Service Project was to donate a stuffed lion to bring a smile to a child for a while. In addition the Lions completed thinking of you and get well cards for the kids at the ALSAC/St. Jude Children's Research Hospital – Houston, Texas. The photo above is of all the Lions and others that participated in the event. |
2019 Lone Star College![]() Tomball Lion President Mike Halbach presented a Fund Assistance Check to the Tomball Lone Star College. Pictured from left to right are: Lion Vice President Reyna L. Sirias-Ortiz, Lone Star College (LSC) Tomball Professor, Lion President Mike Halbach, Dr. Lee Ann Nutt, President, Lone Star College – Tomball, Lion Secretary Paul Hancock and Executive Director Ms. Nicole Robinson Gautier, Lone Star College Foundation. Photo courtesy of Michael Mayfield, Graphic Design & Video Coordinator, Lone Star College - Tomball College Relations. |
HCA Houston Healthcare![]() Lion President Mike Halbach introduced Eric Evans, CEO of HCA Houston Healthcare, Tomball Texas. Pictured from left to right are Lion President Mike Halbach, Stacy Thornton, Sandi Bergholtz, CEO Eric Evans and Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt. |
2019 Eagle Scout Project![]() Lion President Mike Halbach introduced Eagle Scout Daniel Ortiz, who came and thanked the club for funding his Eagle Scout project. Pictured from left to right are Lion Karen Halbach, Eagle Scout Daniel Ortiz and Lion Allen Eckhardt. |
2019 Tomball Night![]() The Tomball Lions Club was blessed to be a part of Tomball Night on August 02, 2019 located at the Railroad Depot in Tomball Texas. There were many Tomball Lions and their wives present to participate in working this annual fund raiser for the club. We were serving BBQ Sandwiches, Sausage on a Stick and Turkey Legs. We would really like to thank all of those who came to help support us. |
Timika Simmons![]() Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt introduced Timika Simmons, CEO of TOMAGWA Health Ministries. Pictured from left to right are Lion 2nd Vice President Erin Stapleton, Lion 1st Vice President Reyna Sirias, Development Coordinator of TOMAGWA - Benjamian Covarrubias, Timika Simmons CEO of TOMAGWA, Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt and Lion Past President Bob Ervin. |
Texas Lions Scholarship Recipients![]() The Texas Lions Camp held the Awards Week from 06/17/19 – 06/21/18 Scholarship Awards. The Tomball Lions Club presented three $1,000 Scholarships to the Camp Counselors Recipients. The photo shows the recipients. Left to Right - Savanna Ramsey, Cecilia M. Calderon, Tomball Lions Club Treasurer Al Gerhardt, KALEE SCOTT and Lion Director John Phillips. The Tomball Lions Club presenter was Lion Director John Phillips. |
Lions Eye Bank![]() The Lions Eye Bank of Texas held their Annual Dinner on 07/16/19. Pictured right center Lions Eye Bank Director Karen Moore, Tomball Lions Club Secretary Paul Hancock and Past District 2-S2 Treasurer Paul Moore. |
2019 International Convention![]() Al and Eva attended the Lions International Convention in Milan, Italy from July 5-9, 2019. Pictured above from left to Right are: Eva Gerhardt and Al Gerhardt.
Camp Hope![]() Lion President Bubba Hardee introduced guest speaker David Maulsby, Executive Director of Camp Hope, a PTSD Foundation of America outreach facility located on Derrington Road in Northwest Houston. Pictured from left to right are Michael (Camp Hope Employee), Lion Secretary Mike Halbach, Camp Executive Director David Maulsby and Camp Hope Guest. |
New Member Installation And Texas Lions Camp Lifetime Membership Certificates![]() The Tomball Lions Club Annual Officer Installation Banquet was held on June 26, 2019 at Valley Ranch Grill & Barbecue. Pictured above from left to right are: District 2-S2 Governor-Elect Tony Austin, Erin Stapleton, and Gordon Lentz. |
Presentation of Special Awards![]() New Secretary Paul Hancock received the prestigious Lion of Year Award for 2018-2019. In addition he received the Tomball Lions Club coveted Joe Mahan Blue Vest which was named after the founder of our club in 1982 Judge Joe Mahan. Pictured above from left to right are Lion Mike Halbach, Lion Bubba Hardee, and Lion Bob Ervin.
2019-2020 Installation of Board of Officers & Directors![]() The Tomball Lions Club Annual Awards & Officer Installation Banquet was held on June 26, 2019 at Valley Ranch Grill & Barbecue. Pictured above is Valley Ranch Grill & Barbecue.
Texas Lions Museum![]() Tomball Lions Club Treasurer Al Gerhardt and wife Eva stopped by for a private tour of the museum on the way to the Texas Lions Camp. Pictured above is the Texas Lion Camp State Office in Kerrville, Texas. |
Tri-County Health Alliance![]() Executive Director Ann Marie Paradowski made a presentation of a $5000.00 grant to the Tomball Lions Club Treasurer Al Gerhardt. Pictured Left to Right are Executive Director Ann Marie Paradowski and Tomball Lions Club Treasurer Al Gerhardt.
Larissa Plunto![]() Lion President Bubba Hardee introduced guest speaker, Larissa Plunto, Regional Director for Congressman Michael McCaul. Pictured from left to right are Lion Directors Paul Hancock & Allen Eckhardt, Regional Director Larissa Plunto and President Bubba Hardee. |
Dale McCarty Memorial Brick![]() Tomball Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt presented Tomball Lion’s Camp Memory Brick to Carla for Dale. Pictured L-R are Carla McCarty (Dale’s wife) and Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt.
Annual Sponsorship to TBFD![]() The Tomball Lions Club provided $500 to help the Tomball Fire Department participate in the “Fire Pup Program”. Pictured L-R are Driver Curtis Garmon, Lieutenant Dave Harrington, Tomball Lions Club Treasurer Al Gerhardt, Fire Marshall Joe Sykora (Tomball Lions Club Lion) and Firefighter Ryan Dennick. |
New Member Joe Sykora![]() Tomball Lion President Bubba Hardee presented to new member Lion Joe Sykora his membership certificate from Lions Club International. Pictured L-R are Lion Director Paul Hancock, New Member Joe Sykora and President Bubba Hardee. |
Eagle Scout "Discovery Box" Project![]() Lion President Hardee got a request from Eagle Scout Daniel Ortiz for the Kickerillo Preserve Project creating “Discovery Boxes”. The Tomball Lions Club agreed to fund his Eagle Scout Project. Shown above from left to right are Eagle Scout David Ortiz and Lion President Hardee. |
Youth Essay & Speech Contest![]() Lion 1st Vice President Bob introduced guest speaker Lion Sara Coots, District 2-S2 Chairperson / Opportunities for Youth and a member of the Conroe Noon Lions Club. Pictured from left to right are Lion Secretary Mike Halbach, Lion Sara Coots from Conroe Noon Lions Club and Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt. |
Lion Dale Allen McCarty Memorial Presentation![]() Tomball Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt presented several resolutions to Carla for Dale. The photo above is showing the MultiDistrict 2_S2 Resolution given "In Loving Memory of Lion Dale Allen McCarty". Pictured left to right are Lion Vice President Bob Ervin, Carla McCarty (Dale’s wife) and Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt.
Lion Dale McCarty![]()
Honoring The Life of Dale McCarty – December 21, 1943 - April 18, 2019
To all Lions, Everyone, Please keep Carla and their family in your Prayers. We will be presenting the Texas Lions Camp Memory Brick Resolution and the District 2-S2 Resolution & Memorial Service to Carla. We will have an in “Memory of Dale McCarty” sign at the Car Show as Dale has joined the list of other fallen Lions of the Tomball Lions Club. May He Rest In Peace. “ROAR, ROAR, ROAR”!!! |
TBLC 25th Annual Car Show![]() The Tomball Lions Club hosted their 25th Annual Car Show on Saturday, April 27, 2019 at Lone Star College – Tomball. The weather was great, the BBQ pit crew served up delicious food and beverages and about 700 attendees enjoyed the 150+ vehicles on display. Most importantly, approximately $14,500 was raised for funding various charities and activities within the greater Tomball community. The Tomball Lions Club thanks all those that came to participate, the numerous sponsorships and the Lions and spouses who volunteered to make this a very successful event allowing the Lions to continue the “WE SERVE” mission in our community. Pictured (l/r) at the registration area are Lions Allen Eckhardt, David Cochran, Ken Walters and our Lion mascot. |
Lions District 2-S2 2019 Convention![]() The MD-2S2 Past District Governor's Association presented to Tomball Lions Club Treasurer Lion Al Gerhardt the Distinguished Achievement Award for his Service during the Fiscal Year 2018-2019. In the photo above, PDG Eddie Risha is shown presenting the award to Al Gerhardt. Photo provided by Al Gerhardt.
2019 German Fest![]() The Tomball Lions Club participates in the Annual Tomball German Fest to promote Lionism in the community. We provided information and requested donations for the Lions White Cane Day. We were able to raise $157 to give to Lions Eye Bank of Texas. In two days we were able to do seventy three (73) eye screens with only three referrals. We provided membership information to promote bringing new Lions into our club.
LSC 2019 Sponsor Scholarship Reception![]() The Tomball Lions Club participated in the March 26, 2019 LSC Sponsors SCholarship Reception. Pictured above from left to right are: TBLC 1st Vice President Bob Ervin, TBLC 2nd Vice President Reyna Sirias-Ortiz, one of the students receiving a scholarship from TBLC and TBLC Director Erin Stapleton.
Hurricane Harvey Assistance Still Needed![]() Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt of the Tomball Lions Club has been contacted by Heart for Texas Hurricane Harvey Relief Group to assist them with bedding for approximately 70 families in District 2-S2.
LSC Special Academic Programs![]() Lion President Bubba Hardee welcomed guest speaker, Dr. Lee Ann Nutt, President of Lone Star College – Tomball. Pictured from left to right are 1st Vice President Bob Ervin, Dr. Lee Ann Nutt, Treasurer Al Gerhardt and President Bubba Hardee. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt.
Al Gerhardt Awarded![]() Lion Past District Governor Betty Ezell (District Governor 2017-2018) presented to Tomball Lions Club Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt the Centennial (1917-2017) Blue Ribbon Award for Excellence for going above and beyond to follow the Lion Motto “WE SERVE” in providing aid to people during Hurricane Harvey. Pictured from left to right are Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt and Lion Past District Governor Betty Ezell.
Dr. Penner Schraudenbach![]() Lion President Bubba Hardee welcomed guest speaker, Dr. Penner Schraudenbach, Texas Urology Specialists, with offices in Tomball and Willowbrook. Dr. Schraudenbach is Board certified in urology and specializes in pediatric and adult urology. Pictured from left to right are Lion Larry Grotts, Dr. Penner Schraudenbach, and Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt. |
2019 City of Tomball Update![]() On 3/1/2019, Tomball Mayor Gretchen Fagan gave an update on happenings in the City of Tomball. Pictured left to right are: Lion John Phillips, Lion President Bubba Hardee, Tomball Mayor Gretchen Fagan, Lion Karen Halbach, and Lions Past President Bob Ervin. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt. |
2019 Multi-District 2-S2 Bowl-A-Thon![]() The Tomball Lions Club participated in the Annual 2019 Multi-District 2-S2 Bowl-A-Thon. The Tomball team members were from left to right: Front Row Lion Director Karen Halbach, Lion Director Allen Eckhardt, Back Row Lion Member Tania & Jon Hall.
Ramp Replacement Project![]() The Tomball Lions Club Board of Directors approved a Handicap Ramp Replacement Project for recipient Ms. Flo Langston (Friend of Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt) of Tomball, Texas. Tomball Lions Club Member Lion Ron Luedke of Luedke Drywall had his crew go out to the residence of Ms. Flo Langston and replaced her existing old handicap ramp with a brand new ramp. The old ramp was very dangerous for Ms. Flo Langston to use. |
Texas Lions Museum![]() Tomball Lion President Bubba Hardee introduced special guest, Past District Governor Eddie Risha, member of the Conroe Noon Lions Club and MD-2 Committee Chair for the Texas Lions Museum and Office. Pictured from Left to Right are: Lion Director Erin Stapleton, PDG Eddie Risha, Lion HRF Director and wife Diana Risha and Lion President Bubba. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt. |
Angel Tree Gift![]() Tomball Lion Vice President Bob Ervin, on behalf of the Tomball Lions Club, presented a bicycle to Jose Diaz Junior, son of Jose and Martha Diaz. Pictured Left to right are: Father Jose Diaz and Lion Vice President Bob Ervin. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt. |
TOMAGWA Fund Assistance![]() Tomball Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt Presented a Fund Assistance Check to the Tomball – Magnolia – Waller (TOMAGWA) Health Care Ministries. Pictured from left to right are: Senior Analyst Amber Guindon, Grants Manager Ginni Whitten, Tomball Lions Club Treasurer Al Gerhardt, Executive Director Lee Ann Kroon and Development Coordinator Ruth Cotter. Lion Al Gerhardt provided the Web Site with the photo.
Dignity Memorial Providers![]() Lion President Bubba Hardee introduced guest speaker, Leslie Bonnie, Pre-Planning Advisor & Licensed Funeral Director for Dignity Memorial Providers of Houston. Lions & Guest pictured from left to right are: Lion Director Erin Stapleton, Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt, Guest Speaker Leslie and President Bubba Hardee. Photos provided by Lion Al Gerhardt. |
Police & Fire Department Fund Assistance![]() Tomball Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt Presented a Fund Assistance Check to the City of Tomball Police & Fire Department for Christmas Aid in the Tomball Community. Pictured from left to right to right are: Tomball Mayor Gretchen Fagan and Tomball Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt.
Families Feeding Families![]() The Tomball Lions Club was at the Families Feeding Families event on November 21, 2018 performing vision screening for children. The Tomball Lions Club members doing the screening shown above are from left to right: Lions Karen Halbach, John Seber, Mike Halbach, Bubba Hardee and two volunteers.
2018 Tomball C of C Holiday Parade![]() The Tomball Lions Club participating in the 2018 Tomball Chamber Holiday Parade. Our lions club had another successful club event. We were blessed to have 12 Lions help decorate the Dist. 2-S2 Lion Float for the Chamber Parade. Pictured above from left to right are: Lion Mascot Haley Straub, Lions Al Gerhardt, Erin Stapleton, Bubba Hardee, Eva Gerhardt, Jerome Teichmiller, Karen Halbach, Beth Straub and Mike Halbach. Photo taken by Rotarian Camille Hamilton.
Bedding for the Horton Family![]() The Tomball Lions Club with funding provided by the Lions of Texas Lion International Foundation provided bedding for the Horton family who survived Hurrican Harvey. Pictured from left to right are: George Holleway, Lauri Holleway, Chris Reynolds, Mr. & Mrs Horton, Trey Holleway and Kathy Terry.
Maria Ines Flores![]() Lion President Bubba Hardee introduced guest speaker Maria Ines Flores. She is a past gymnast who trained at the Bela Karolyi Gym near Huntsville, TX (1983-1985) with Mary Lou Retton. Lions & Guest pictured left-right are: Lion President Bubba Hardee, Special Speaker Maria Ines Flores, Maria assistant Karina Eisner and New Lion Member Erin Stapleton. |
2018 Golf Tournament![]() The Tomball Lions Club Hosted the very successful 2018 Golf Tournament on October 18, 2018 at High Meadow Ranch Golf Course in Magnolia. We had 17 teams and 75 sponsors signed to help raise funds for the tournament. The Lions Banner photo pictured from left-right are: Lions Erin Stapleton, Jerome Teichmiller, Mike Halbach, Bob Ervin, Bubba Hardee, Karen Halbach, Ron Luedke, and Larry Grotts. Lions Major Sponsor photo pictured left-right, Lions Larry Grotts, Jerome Teichmiller, Bob Ervin, Bubba Hardee, Erin Stapleton and Mike Halbach. Lion Al Gerhardt provided the Web Site with the photo.
Camille Hamilton![]() Lion President Bubba Hardee presented guest speaker Camille Hamilton with a $500 donation from the Tomball Lions Club to help fund the Families Feeding Families event on November 21. Lions and Guests pictured left-righ are: Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt, Families Feed Families Speaker Camille Hamilton and Lion President Bubba Hardee.
DG Karl Johnson![]() First Vice District Governor Tony Austin messaged that “changes are coming to 2-S2” as he introduced Speaker District Governor Karl Johnson. Lions and Guests pictured left to right are: Lion Member Erin Stapleton, District Governor Karl Johnson and First Vice District Governor Tony Austin. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt. |
Lion Joan Phillips-Grotts Memorials![]() Texas Lions District 2-S2 and the Tomball Lions Club presented two Memorials to Larry Grotts and family respectively known as “Lion Joan Phillips-Grotts”. Pictured Left to Right are: Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt, Lion Larry Grotts, Husband of Joan Phillips-Grotts and Lions President Bubba Hardee. |
Texas Lions Camp Update![]() Lion 1st Vice-President Bob Ervin introduced guest speaker Lion Lisa Free-Martin -- Zone Chair E2, District 2-S2 Lions Camp Director & current Magnolia Lions Club Treasurer. Lions and Guests pictured left to right are: Lion Director Paul Hancock, District 2-S2 Governor Karl Johnson, Lisa Free-Martin, District 2-S2 Zone Chair E2 - District 2-S2 Lions Camp Director & current Magnolia Lions Club Treasurer, and Lion Larry Grotts. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt. |
Jerome Teichmiller![]() Lion 1st Vice President Bob Ervin presented to Lion Past President and Director, Lion Jerome Teichmiller, a plaque commemorating his 45 years of Lionism. Lions pictured left to right are: Lion 1st Vice President Bob Ervin, Lion John Phillips, Lion Past President and Director Lion Jerome Teichmiller – 45 Year Award Recipient, Lion Larry Grotts, and Lion Bill Dillon. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt. |
Lone Star College Aid![]() Tomball Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt Presented a Fund Assistance Check to the Tomball Lone Star College. Pictured Left to right, Tomball Professor Ms. Robinson Gautier, LSC Foundation, Lion Reyna L. Sirias-Ortiz, Lone Star College (LSC) – Dr. Lee Ann Nutt, LSC-Tomball President and Lion Treasurer, Al Gerhardt. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt. |
Hurricane Harvey Family Bedding Project![]() Lion President Bubba Hardee and Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt partnered with Salem Lutheran Church “Heart For Texas” in Tomball to provide Furniture, Beds, Mattresses, and Bedding to over 200
families in the Houston Area. Mattress Mack of Gallery Furniture provided all of the furniture to this project at his cost. We were also blessed to have Lions Mulit-District 2-S2 and the Tomball Lions club step up to provide all of the bedding for the same 200 plus families. Pictured above from left to right are: Lion President Bubba Hardee and Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt with several volunteers in the background. |
TOMAGWA 2018![]() Lion President Hardee introduced special guest speaker, Lee Ann Kroon, Executive Director of TOMAGWA HealthCare Ministries. Lions & Guest pictured left-right are: Lion President Bubba Hardee, Lee Ann Kroon, Executive Director of TOMAGWA HealthCare Ministries and Lion Allen Eckhardt.
2018 Tomball Night![]() The Tomball Lions Club was blessed to be a part of Tomball Night on August 03, 2018 located at the Railroad Depot in Tomball Texas on August 03, 2018. There were many Tomball Lions and their wives present to participate in working this annual fund raiser for the club. We were serving BBQ Sandwiches, Sausage on a Stick and Turkey Legs. We would really like to thank all of those who came to help support us. |
Lone Star College Adult Services![]() Lion President Bubba Hardee introduced guest speaker Ms. Idalia Avezuela, MS-LS, Assistant Branch Manager for Adult Services at Lone Star College – Tomball Community Library. Lions & guest pictured left-right are: Lion Director Karen Halbach, Ms. Idalia Avezuela and Lion Bruce Smith. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt. |
Fallen Lion David Paulson![]() Texas Lions District 2-S2 and the Tomball Lions Club presented two Memorials to Mark Paulson and the family of Albert David Paulson respectively known as “Lion David Paulson”. The Texas Lions District 2-S2 presented a special Resolution in Loving Memory of “Lion Albert David Paulson”. The Tomball Lions Club of District 2-S2 presented a special Texas Lions Camp “Endowment Brick” in memory of Lion Albert David Paulson. There will be a “Commemorative copy of the Memory Brick giving to Mark Paulson, son of David Paulson. |
Judge Korduba![]() Lion President Hardee introduced special guest speaker, Judge Laryssa Korduba, Justice of the Peace for Harris County Precinct 4, Position 2. Judge Korduba was accompanied by her Chief Clerk, Ms. Tracy Hobson. Lions & Guest pictured left to right are: Lion Secretary Mike Halbach, Lion Director Allen Eckhardt, Judge Laryssa Korduba, and President Bubba Hardee.
2018 Texas Lions Camp![]() The Texas Lions Camp held the Awards Week from 06/18/18 – 06/22/18 for Scholarship Awards. The Tomball Lions Club presented three $1,000 Scholarships to the Camp Counselors Recipients. The photo shows the recipients. Left to Right are: Shelby Dearbonne, Gabrielle Luper, Tomball Lions Club Treasurer Al Gerhardt, and Savanna Ramsey. The Tomball Lions Club presenter was Lion Al Gerhardt. |
TBLC 2017-2018 Installation Banquet![]() The Tomball Lions Club Annual Officer Installation Banquet was held on June 13, 2018 at Valley Ranch Grill & Barbecue. Past District Governor Eddie Risha and his wife Diana were in attendance to do the Installation of Officers, Directors and New Members and special awards. Lion Dale McCarty received the prestigious Lion of Year Award for 2017-2018. In addition he received the Tomball Lions Club coveted Joe Mahan Blue Vest which was named after the founder of our club.
2017/2018 Lion of the Year Award![]() At the 2017 / 2018 Multi-District 2-S2 Presidents & Secretary Meeting, Past District Governor Mark Roth presented the Multi-District 2-S2 Lion of the Year Award to Tomball Lions Club Treasurer Al Gerhardt. Pictured above from left to right are: Past District Governor Mark Roth, Tomball Lions Club President Bubba Hardee, First Vice District Governor Elect Tony Austin, Tomball Lions Club Treasurer Al Gerhardt and District Governor Elect Karl Johnson. |
Tomball Chamber of Commerce Update![]() Lion President Hardee introduced guest speaker Bruce Hillegeist, President of the Greater Tomball Area Chamber of Commerce who provided a very interesting update on residential, commercial, and mobility growth and positive changes in and around the Tomball community. Lions & guest pictured from left to right are: Lion Tail Twister John Phillips, Chamber President Bruce Hillegeist, President Bubba Hardee and Past President Bob. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt. |
2018 Hurricane Harvey Relief Flooring Project![]() ![]() The Tomball Lions Club in conjunction with Texas Lions Multi-District 2-S2 Disaster funding provided flooring to families for Hurricane Harvey Relief. The Distribution of flooring will be done by the Tomball Lions Club and Heart for Texas volunteers. Pictured Left to Right are: Home owner Milton Stewart, Tomball Lions Club President Bubba Hardee and Treasurer Al Gerhardt. Eva Gerhardt is taking the photo. |
Harvey Relief Bedding![]() ![]() The Tomball Lions Club in conjunction with Texas Lions Multi-District 2-S2, Houston Cy-Fair and Huntsville Lions Clubs and Other Lions Supporters providing bedding for 200 families for Hurricane Harvey Relief. The Distribution of bedding will be done by the Tomball Lions Club and Heart for Texas volunteers. This is the bedding that has been provided to families provided by MD-2S2 and the Tomball and other Lions Clubs. Shown above from Left to Right are: Heart for Texas volunteers Christy Lieder, Laurie Holleway and Tomball Lions Club Treasurer Al Gerhardt. |
Presidents Certificate of Appreciation to Al Gerhardt![]() Lion President Bubba Hardee welcomed visiting Lions 2nd Vice District Governor Tony Austin. Lions & guest pictured from left to right are: Lions 2nd Vice District Governor Tony Austin, Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt and Lion President Bubba Hardee. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt. |
District 2-S2 Camp Director Lisa Free-Martin![]() Lion President Bubba Hardee welcomed District 2-S2 Camp Director Lisa Free-Martin and her husband Lion Bob Martin. Lions & guest pictured from left to right are: Lion 2nd Vice President Reyna Sirias-Ortiz, District 2-S2 Camp Director Lisa Free-Martin, Lions 2nd Vice District Governor Tony Austin and Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt. |
Presidents Certificate of Appreciation![]() Our own Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt was presented with the International President's Certificate of Appreciation award on Saturday evening, May 5th, at the District 2-S2 Convention Governor's Banquet at the Houston Hilton North Hotel. In the photo District Governor Betty Ezell and International Director Sam Lindsey are shown presenting the award to Lion Al. Shown above from Left to right are: District Governor Betty Ezell, Tomball Lions Club Treasurer Al Gerhardt, Lions International Director Sam Lindsey and PDG Ron Landers. |
2018 TBLC Car Show![]() The Tomball Lions Club had their 24th Annual Car Show on Saturday, April 28th, at Lone Star College - Tomball Campus. A total of 155 vehicles were entered. In addition to the Chairman's Award, 32 additional trophies were awarded to the entrants. Contributing to the net proceeds were the vehicle entry fees, 45 individual and corporate sponsorships, BBQ pit sales, and visitor parking donations. Major auto dealer sponsors display new vehicles in a special area between visitor parking and the Show vehicles. This is one of the Club's two major fund raisers each year." We were able to raise a little over $12,500 to help the Tomball Communities and other Tomball Lions Club charities. |
Charlie Fogarty![]() Lion Al Gerhardt introduced guest speaker, entrepreneur, Texas historian, and restaurateur Charlie Fogarty. Lions & guest pictured from left to right are: Lion Vice President Reyna Siras, Texas historian, and restaurateur Charlie Fogarty, Lion Past President Tim Fowler and Lion John Phillips. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt. |
Tomball Fire Chief![]() Lion President Bubba Hardee introduced guest speaker Randy Parr, Tomball Fire Chief. Lions & guest pictured left-right are: Lion John Phillips, Fire Chief Randy Parr, Lion George Shackelford (Retired Tomball City Manager) and Lion Allen Eckhardt. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt.
Student Eye Exams![]() Lion President Bubba Hardee introduced guest speaker Cathy Pool, MSN, RN – Director of Health Services for the Tomball Independent School District. Lions & guest pictured from left-right are: Lion Jerome Teichmiller, Speaker Cathy Pool and Lion John Phillips. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt. |
Harbor Hospice of Tomball![]() Lion President Bubba Hardee introduced guest speaker Elizabeth Young, Volunteer Coordinator for Harbor Hospice of Tomball. Lions & guest pictured left-right are: Lion John Seber, Speaker Elizabeth Young and Lion President Bubba Hardee. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt. |
2018 Mid Winter Conference![]() The Tomball Lions Club members President Bubba Hardee, Secretary Mike Halbach, Treasurer Al Gerhardt, Membership Chair Dale McCarty and newest Lion member Alex Mohnke attended the 2018 District 2-S2 Mid-Winter Conference. Lions pictured in the photo (l/r) Lion First Vice District Governor Karl Johnson, Tomball Lions Club new member Alex Mohnke, District Governor Betty Ezell, Tomball Lions Club Treasurer Al Gerhardt, Guest Speaker MD-2 Council Chair Rick Talbert and wife Lupita. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt. |
Brett Kinman Receives His Lion Vest![]() The Tomball Lions Club presented the Lion Vest to Lion Member Brett Kinman in the Club. Brett is happy being a member of the Tomball Lions Club. Brett plays a vital role in our club as he is the liaison between the Tomball Regional Hospital and the Tomball Lions Club. As his role at the hospital he has played a vital role in providing support for some of the club’s fund raisers. We are proud to have him in our Club. Pictured from left to right are Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt and Lion Member Brett Kinman. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt. |
Alex Mohnke Induction![]() The Tomball Lions Club would like to welcome 18 year old Alex Mohnke as a new member in the Club. Pictured from left to right are: Michael Halbach, Alex Mohnke, Al Gerhardt, and Karen Halbach. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt.
Award to Family of "Danny Z" Zitterich![]() Lion Al Gerhardt introduced special guests Vera Zitterich, wife of recently departed Past District Governor Lion Daniel “Danny Z” Zitterich, and her two daughters, Pam May and Becky Ponder. Lion & guests pictured left-right, Lion President Bubba Hardee, Pam May, Vera Zitterich (Wife of Danny “Zee” Zitterich), Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt, Becky Ponder and Lion Past President Bob Ervin. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt. |
TEAM & TBN![]() Lion President Bubba Hardee introduced guest speaker Karen Guiles, Tomball Benevolent Network (TBN) Community Liaison with the Tomball Emergency Assistance Ministries (TEAM). Lion & guests pictured left-right, Lion Tail Twister John Seber, Lion Director Karen Halbach, Speaker TBN Karen Guiles, Lion Membership Chairman Dale McCarty and Lion Secretary Mike Halbach. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt. |
Thanks to Hilltop Rental!![]() I would like to give an update on the Tomball Lions Club Harvey Relief for 2017. As of the end of 2017, The Tomball Lions Club gave out $17,200 to help Harvey Victims. I want to give a special thank you for my good friend and Lion Club Sponsor Lion Pete Hildreth of Hilltop Rental in Tomball, Texas. He was the first person that gave funds and items to help Harvey Victims. He started by giving 14 cases of water. Before I left he gave me a check for $1000 to start the fund raising by our club to help Harvey Victims. After that we had the Tomball Lions Club Joe Mahan disaster relief fund and other clubs, Lions Club International Foundation (LCIF), and many individuals to bring the total to the $17,200. We distributed the funds to community organizations such as TEAM (Tomball Emergency Assistance Ministries) and many individuals. |
Fund Raising Activities / Methods![]() Lion President Bubba Hardee introduced Guest Lion Paul Moore to share fund raising activities/methods employed by the Conroe Noon Lions Club which currently has 300+ members. Lion & guests pictured from left to right are: Lion Past President Bob Ervin, Lion Secretary Karen Moore of the Montgomery Lions Club, Zone Chairmen Paul Moore, and President Bubba Hardee. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt. |
Community Action Team![]() Tomball Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt Presented a Fund Assistance Check to the Community Action Teams Coordinator Wayne A. Bergeron. Pictured L-R Tomball Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt, Community Action Teams Coordinator Wayne A. Bergeron and Tomball Lion President Bubba Hardee. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt. |
TOMAGWA 2017 Appreciation Letter![]() The TOMAGWA Group provided The Tomball Lions Club with an appreciation letter for the check of the $1500 allocation by the club to help TOMAGWA to continue providing medical assistance to families in need. The Tomball Lions Club was so blessed this year to continue to provide the funds for them. Pictured from left to right are: Reverend Steven Lightfoot – Senior Development Director, Executive Director Lee Ann Kroon, Tomball Lions Club Treasurer Al Gerhardt, Deanna Lowenstein - Patient Access Management and Tami Sabey – Administrative Assistant to Lee Ann Kroon. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt.
Special Harvey Aid Christmas Grant 2017![]() Tomball Lions Club Treasurer Al Gerhardt presented a $1000 Lions Club International Foundation (LCIF) Christmas Grant to families affected by the Hurricane Harvey Disaster. This is a family of 10 who were really thankful for the assistance to allow them to have a Merry Christmas. Pictured from left to right are: Bonnie, Dave, Elizabeth, Julianna, Felicity, Nicolas, Jude, Andrew, Tomball Lions Club President Robert “Bubba” Hardee and Tomball Lions Club Treasurer Al Gerhardt. Family members Michael and Robert are not shown in the photo. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt. |
2017 Lone Star College Aid![]() Tomball Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt Presented a Fund Assistance Check to the Tomball Lone Star College. Pictured from Left to Right are: Lion Reyna L. Sirias-Ortiz, Lone Star College (LSC) – Tomball Professor, Ms. Robinson Gautier, LSC Foundation, Tomball Lions Club Treasurer Al Gerhardt and Dr. Lee Ann Nutt LSC-Tomball President. Photos provided by Lion Al Gerhardt. |
Danny Zitterich Memorial Documents & Endowment Brick![]() Texas Lions District 2-S2 and the Tomball Lions Club presented two Memorials to Vera Zitterich and the family of Daniel Lee Zitterich respectively known as “Danny Zee” or “Z”. The Texas Lions District 2-S2 presented a special Resolution in Loving Memory of “Daniel Lee Zitterich”. |
Danny Zitterich![]() Today the Tomball Lions Club lost a “Great Lion”. He was Past District Governor (PDG) Daniel Zitterich (Danny Z) and he will be missed! Pictured above from left to right are Vera & Daniel Zitterich (Danny Z). Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt. |
2017 Aid to TOMAGWA![]() Tomball Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt Presented a Fund Assistance Check to the Tomball – Magnolia – Waller (TOMAGWA) Health Care Ministries. Pictured from left to right are: Reverend Steven Lightfoot – Senior Development Director, Executive Director Lee Ann Kroon, Tomball Lions Club Treasurer Al Gerhardt, Deanna Lowenstein - Patient Access Management and Tami Sabey – Administrative Assistant to Lee Ann Kroon. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt. |
Christmas Children Activities Donation![]() Tomball Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt Presented a Fund Assistance Check to the City of Tomball Police & Fire Department for Christmas Aid in the Tomball Community. Pictured L-R City of Tomball Chief of Police Billy Tidwell, Tomball Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt, Tomball Mayor Gretchen Fagan, and the City of Tomball Fire Chief Randy Parr. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt. |
Families Feeding Families![]() Lion President Hardee introduced guest speaker, Camille Hamilton, a Committee Member with Families Feeding Families. Lion & guests pictured from left to right are, Lion Jerome Teichmiller, Speaker Camille Hamilton and President Bubba Hardee. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt. |
Families Feeding Families![]() Tomball Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt Presented a Fund Assistance Check to the Tomball Families Feeding Families. Pictured from left to right are: Families Feeding Families Director Camille Hamilton and Tomball Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt.
Tomball Lions Club Recognized!![]() The Tomball Chamber of Commerce and Salem Lutheran Church recognized the Tomball Lions Club for all of the Hurricane Harvey Relief to the Tomball Community. The photo above is of that Certificate of Appreciation. |
Tomball Regional Medical Center![]() Lion Al Gerhardt introduced guest speaker Brett Kinman, Interim CEO and Chief Operating Officer of Tomball Regional Medical Center (TRMC) and Tomball Lions Club member. Lion & guests pictured from left to right are: Lion Secretary Mike Halbach, Lion & CEO Brett Kinman, and Lion George Shackelford. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt. |
Lions Club International Foundation![]() Tomball Lions Club Treasurer Al Gerhardt presented Mrs. Christy Lieder a second check for $700 from the Lions Club International Foundation for food to aid families affected by the Hurricane Harvey Disaster. Pictured from left to right middle are: Mrs. Christy Lieder and Tomball Lions Club Treasurer Al Gerhardt. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt. |
Lions Leader Dog Program for the Blind![]() Lion President Hardee introduced guest speaker, Lion Dale McCarty, who gave a very interesting presentation on the Lions Leader Dog for the Blind Facility in Rochester Hills, Michigan, where he visited and toured this past summer. Lion & guests pictured left-right are: Lion President Bubba Hardee, Lion Dale McCarty, and Lion Vice-President John Pettigrew. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt. |
Hurricane Harvey Disaster Relief![]() Tomball Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt Presented a Hurricane Harvey Disaster Relief check to Tomball Emergency Assistance Ministries (T.E.A.M.). Pictured from left to right are: Tomball Lion Dale McCarty, TEAM Executive Director Becky Loving, Tomball Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt, Tomball Mayor Gretchen Fagan, and Tomball Lion Director Karen Halbach. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt. |
Speakers![]() Lion President Hardee introduced the first guest speaker, Dr. Martha Salazar-Zamora, Superintendent of Schools for the Tomball Independent School District (TISD) and then introduced the second guest speaker, Candice Baines, Treasurer of Tomball VFW Post 2427 Auxiliary. Lions & guests pictured left-right are: Lion Past President Bob Ervin, Guest Speaker Candice Baines & Dr. Martha Salazar-Zamora, and Lion President Bubba Hardee. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt. |
Texas Lions Foundation![]() Tomball Lions Club President Bubba Hardee and Treasurer Al Gerhardt presented Mrs. Christy Lieder’s group a check for $2,000 from the Texas Lions Foundation for food to aid families affected by the Hurricane Harvey Disaster. Pictured left to right, Lisa Stetler, Eva Gerhardt, Kimberly Gerhardt, Phyllis Behrend, Tomball Lions Club President Bubba Hardee, Pam Mintari, Tomball Lions Club Treasurer Al Gerhardt, Stephen McNeely, Karol Rover, and Patty McNeely. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt. |
Hurricane Harvey Disater Relief![]() Tomball Lions Club Treasurer Al Gerhardt presented Mrs. Christy Lieder a check for $750 from the Lions Club International Foundation for food to aid families affected by the Hurricane Harvey Disaster. Pictured from left to right are Mrs. Christy Lieder and Tomball Lions Club Treasurer Al Gerhardt. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt.
Leader Dog Program![]() Lion John Seber showed the above appreciation letter and the Dog Bone that was received from the Leader Dogs for the Blind group for the $100 donation made by the Tomball Lions Club. The appreciation letter image was provided by Lion Al Gerhardt. |
Megan Gerhardt![]() Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt introduced guest speaker, Megan Gerhardt (his granddaughter), who recently returned from a month long mission trip to Cuba with ten other young men and women coordinated by the Experience Mission organization. Pictured from left to right are: Lion Board Member Karen Halbach, Guest Speaker Megan Gerhardt, Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt and Lion Membership Chairperson Dale McCarty. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt.
Paula Whitaker![]() Lion President Hardee introduced the first guest speaker Paula Whitaker representing the Cross of Tomball in Memory of her son Ryan Paul Whitaker. Lion & guests pictured from left to right are: Lion President Bubba Hardee, Lion Joan Phillips, Guest Speaker Paula Whitaker, Lion District 2-S2 Zone 01 Chairman Paul Moore and Lion Larry Grotts. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt.
Vision Screening![]() The Tomball Lions Club did a Free Vision screening for kids 6 months and up at the Tomball Walmart Vision Center located at 27650 Tomball Parkway, Tomball, Texas. The Club members President Bubba Hardee and PDG Danny Zee, certified to do vision screening, were there from 11AM - 3PM on Saturday 7/29/2017. They do these screenings as a community service project. Lions & guests pictured from left to right are: Tomball Lions Club PDG Danny Zee and PDG Chuck Martin from Cy-Fair Lions Club. Lion Bubba Hardee provided the Web Site and FB page with the photo.
Molly Meyer![]() Lion President Hardee introduced the first guest speaker Molly Meyer from the Girl Scout Gold Award Project. Lion & guests pictured from left to right are: Lion President Hardee, Katy (Mother and Scout Leader), Molly Meyer (Girl Scout), and Lion Past President Bob Ervin. Lion Al Gerhardt provided the Web Site with the photo.
Richard and Barbara Binkley![]() Lion President Hardee introduced guest speaker Richard Binkley and his wife Barbara from Katy, TX. Pictured left to right are: Lion Past President Bob Ervin, Guest Speaker Wife Barbara Binkley, Guest Speaker Richard Binkley, and Lion Tamer John Seber. Lion Secretary Mike Halbach provided the Web Site with the photo. |
District Camp Directors![]() Lion President Hardee introduced special guests District Camp Directors Lisa Free-Martin and Emee Nisnisan. Pictured from left to right are Lion President Robert “Bubba” Hardee, Houston Royal Oaks Lions Club Emee Nisnisan, Magnolia Lions Club Camp Director Lisa Free-Martin, Conroe Noon Lions Club and PDG 2-S2 Scott Perry, and the TBLC PDG Danny Zee. Photo provided by Lion Secretary Mike Halbach.
2017 Lions Scholarship Awards![]() The Texas Lions Camp held the Awards Week from 06/17/17 – 06/23/17 Scholarship Awards. The Tomball Lions Club presented three $1,000 Scholarships to the Camp Counselors' Recipients. The photo shows the recipients. From left to right, they are: James Faulkenbury, Kristen Ekholm, Aaron Stevenson and Tomball Lions Club presenter Lion John Phillips. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt.
The TBLC Texas Lions Camp Awards![]() The Tomball Lions Club Members in Attendance are from left-Right, Back Row Joe & Barbara Sebesta, Front Row Lady in Blue Eva Gerhardt, Eleanor & John Phillips, Kathy & Jerome Teichmiller, Mary Lu & William Dillion. Lion Al Gerhardt is taking the photo. |
The Tomball Lions Club 2017 Installtion Banquet![]() 2017-2018 Installation Banquet was held at Nona's Italian Grill in Tomball, Texas on June 21, 2017.. The Tomball Lions Club Board Members. Left - Right. Director Jerome Teichmiller, Lion Tamer John Seber, Director Karen Halbach, Secretary Mike Halbach, Guest Speaker PDG Eddie Risha, Past President Bob Ervin, Treasurer Al Gerhardt, President Robert "Bubba" Hardee, LCIF CoOrdinator Danny Zitterich, Tail Twister John Phillips, 1st Vice President Bill Dillon, 2nd Vice President John Pettigrew and Membership Chairman Dale McCarty. |
Dr. Waqar Kahn![]() Lion Secretary Mike Halbach introduced guest speaker Dr. Waqar Khan with Lone Star Heart and Vascular Center in Tomball and his associate, Ms. Melialoha Bartlett, Coordinator/Consultant. Lion & guests pictured left to right are: Lion President Bob Ervin, Ms. Melialoha Bartlett, Dr. Waqar Khan, and Lion Reyna Sirias-Ortiz. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt.
Donielle Miller![]() President Bob Ervin introduced Director Donielle Miller from the Tomball Lone Star College. Lions & guests pictured from left to right are: Lion Allen Eckhardt, Student Douglas Baily, Director Donielle Miller and Lion President Bob Ervin. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt.
Bruce Hillegeist![]() Lion President Ervin introduced guest speaker, Bruce Hillegeist, President of the Greater Tomball Area Chamber of Commerce. Pictured from left-right are: Lion David McClinton, President Bruce Hillegeist and Lion George Shackelford. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt.
2017 Annual Car Show![]() Lion Mike Halbach presented trophies to the top 30 places and the Mayors Trophy at the 23rd Annual Car Show at the Lone Star College in Tomball, Texas on Saturday April 29, 2017. Pictured is the Mayor’s Trophy – Brett Peabody 1937 Sea Grave J Model Pumper, First Place Trophy – Lou Ann Whitworth 1955 Chevy Belair, and Second Place Trophy – Billy Etheredge 1969 Camaro SS (Super Sport). Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt. |
Robert Jerome Teichmiller![]() Past District President (PDG) Danny Zee presented the District 2-S2 Past District Governors Distinguished Achievement Award to Past President Robert Jerome Teichmiller. Pictured left to right are Lion Past District President Robert Jerome Teichmiller and his wife Kathy.
2017 Car Show Flyer![]() A special thank you to our dealerships that are bringing out new cars / trucks / Golf Carts:
David McClinton Jr![]() Lion President Ervin then introduced guest speaker, Director David McClinton, Jr. from the Tomball Health Coalition. Pictured left-right. Lion Secretary Mike Halbach, Director and Lion David McClinton, Jr, and Lion George Shackelford. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt.
Daniel Berry![]() President Bob Ervin introduced Daniel Berry, Sales Representative for R-B Instruments, Inc., and member of the Houston Cy-Fair Lions Club. Pictured left to right are Lion Karen Halbach, Lion Vice President Bubba Hardee, Lion Reyna Siras, Sales Rep. Daniel Berry, PDG Danny Zee and Lion Dale McCarty. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt.
PDG Eddie Risha![]() Lion Mike Halbach introduced guest speaker, PDG Eddie Risha, District 2-S2 LCI Foundation Coordinator from the Conroe Noon Lions Club. Pictured left-right are: Lion Vice President Bubba Hardee, PDG Eddie Risha, and PDG Danny Zee. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt.
Texas Lion Camp Director VoteAs Treasurer of the Tomball Lions Club, I would like any Lion Representative attending the District 2-S2 Convention to consider voting for the Tomball Lions Club Past Secretary George Shackelford for the position of Texas Lions Camp Director. The convention is being held on April 28-29, 2017 at the Hilton Houston North, 12400 Greenspoint Drive, Houston, TX 77060. ![]() If you are a Lion in District 2-S2, I would like you to please share this for me. Your vote will help George spread the word of the power of the Texas Lions Camp and the joy of giving to the camp.
Noah Speer 2017![]() Lion President Ervin introduced guest speaker and Past District Governor Noah Speer who proceeded to introduce guest Past District Governor Eddie Risha. Pictured left-right are Lion President Bob Ervin, PDG Eddie Risha, PDG Noah Speer, and Lion George Shackelford. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt.
Billy Tidwell 2017![]() Lion George Shackelford introduced guest speaker Billy Tidwell, the Chief of Police for the Tomball Police Department (TPD). Pictured left-right are Lion David McClinton, Lion George Shackelford, Tomball Police Chief Billy Tidwell and PDG Danny Zee. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt.
Community Action Task Force![]() Lion Secretary Mike Halbach introduced Guest Speaker Wayne Bergeron, District 2-S2 Alert Chairman and Gulf Coast Regional Coordinator for the Community Action Task Force. Pictured from left to right are Lion Karen Halbach, Community Action Team Board Member Hugh Jones, Wayne Bergeron who is the District 2-S2 Alert Chairman and Gulf Coast Regional Coordinator for the Community Action Task Force and Lion Secretary Mike Halbach. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt.
Dr. Penner Schraudenbach![]() Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt introduced guest speaker Dr. Penner Schraudenbach, an Urologist with Texas Urology Specialists, with offices in Tomball and the Willowbrook area. Pictured from left to right are Lion President Bob Ervin, Dr. Penner Schraudenbach, and Lion Karen Halbach. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt.
TEAM 2017![]() Lion President Ervin introduced Lion Dale McCarty representing Tomball Emergency Assistance Ministries (TEAM). Pictured from left-right are Lion John Seber, Lion Vice President Bubba Hardee, Lion Dale McCarty (TEAM Speaker) and Lion President Bob Ervin. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt.
Scott Perry![]() Lion Secretary Halbach introduced guest speaker Scott Perry, District 2-S2 Director Representative for the Texas Lions Camp in Kerrville, Texas. Pictured left-right are Lion John Pettigrew, District 2-S2 Director Representative Scott Perry and Lion Larry Grotts. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt.
Landon Reed![]() Lion President Ervin introduced our guest speaker Landon Reed, Community Aide for Harris County Precinct 4 Community Assistance Department (CAD). Pictured left-right are Lion Vice President Bubba Hardee, Community Assistance Department Aide Landon Reed, and John Seber. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt.
TBLC Food Aid to Zachary Johnson![]() The Tomball Lions Club presented Food Aid for the Thanksgiving Holiday so that Zachary Johnson will be able to have a very Happy & Blessed Thanksgiving. Pictured left to right are Lion Financial Aid Director John Seber and Food Aid recipient Zachary Johnson. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt.
TBLC Food Aid to Nathaniel Jackson![]() The Tomball Lions Club presented Food Aid for the Thanksgiving Holiday so that Nathaniel Jackson will be able to have a very Happy & Blessed Thanksgiving. Pictured from left to right are Lion Financial Aid Director John Seber and Food Aid recipient Nathaniel Jackson. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt.
TBLC Gift to Tomball Fire & Police Departments![]() The Tomball Lions Club Community Out-Reach presented Christmas Funding to the Tomball Fire and Police Departments Family Assistance Program. Pictured from left to right are Lion Secretary Mike Halbach, Tomball Fire Chief Randy Parr, Tomball Mayor Gretchen Fagan, Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt, Tomball Police Chief Billy Tidwell, Tomball City Manager/Lion George Shackelford. Lion Al Gerhardt provided the Web Site with the photo.
2016 TBLC Holiday Parade Float![]() On Novenber 19, 2016, the city of Tomball held its annual "Holiday Parade". Pictured above is this year's TBLC Float with TBLC members riding on it.
Amanda J. Seymour![]() Lion President Ervin introduced our guest speaker Amanda J. Seymour who is an international speaker, author and music artist. Pictured from left to right are: Lion John Phillips, Lion Reyna-Sirias, speaker Amanda J. Seymour, and Lion Larry Grotts. Photo provided by Lion Mike Halbach.
DG Mark Roth & Vice DG Betty Ezell![]() Lion President Ervin introduced our guest speaker Lion District 2-S2 Governor Mark Roth who later introduced First Vice District Governor Betty Ezell. Pictured from left to right are: Lion President Bob Ervin, District 2-S2 Governor Mark Roth, First Vice District Governor Betty Ezell, and Lion Terry Kitchen. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt.
TBLC and T.E.A.M Working Together![]() Here is the Tomball Lions Club working hand and hand with T.E.A.M. in Tomball helping the families in need in the Tomball Community. For more information, see the TEAM web site at http://www.teamtomball.com/.
Lion Member Growth and Retention![]() Lion President Bob Ervin introduced guest speaker Lion Sam Thomas, District 2-S2 Global Membership Team Coordinator. Pictured left-right Lion Mike Halbach, District 2-S2 Global Membership Team Coordinator Lion Sam Thomas, and Lions President Bob Ervin. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt.
Tomball Night 2016![]() The Tomball Lions Club (TBLC) participated in the Annual Tomball Chamber of Commerce Tomball Night on the first Friday of August (08/05/16). The TBLC sells BBQ from our Pit and also sells Raffle Tickets to raise funds for families in great need in the Tomball Area. Pictured left-right Lion Bubba Hardee, Lion Ron Luedke, Lion John Seber, Lion Ken Walters, Lion George Shackelford, and Lion Bob Ervin. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt.
Lion Judy Deyo Retirement![]() Tomball Chamber President Bruce Hillegeist congratulated TOMAGWA (Tomball, Magnolia, & Waller Medical Clinic) Director Lion Judy Deyo who served as Director of TOMAGWA since it started 21 years ago. Pictured left-right are Lion Al Gerhardt's wife Eva Gerhardt, Lion Judy Deyo, and Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt.
District 2-S2 Community Action Force![]() Lion President Bob Ervin introduced guest speakers Wayne Bergeron & Hugh Jones of District 2-S2 Community Action Force. Pictured left-right are Lion John Pettigrew, Community Action Force Coordinators Wayne Bergeron & Hugh Jones, Lions Vice President Bubba Hardee. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt.
2016 Lions Kid Sight![]() Lion Bob Ervin introduced Karen Berry and Christy Rudolph of Lions Kid Sight. Pictured left-right are Lion Reyna Siras, Lion Kid Sight Rep. Christy Rudolph & Speaker Karen Berry, and Past District Governor Danny Zitterich (Zee). Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt.
2016 Texas Lions Camp Scholarships![]() The Tomball Lions Club is so blessed to be able to presents three $1,000 Scholarships to the camp counselors chosen by the Texas Lions Camp Staff each year. The scholarships are made to the college of their choice and their family. This ensures that the scholarship will only be used for college tuition. Pictured left-right are TBLC Lion John Phillips, Texas Lions Camp Counselors Ashley Long, Autumn Castro, and Ali Hamlin. Lion Photographer Al Gerhardt provided the photo.
Tomball Town Center Vision Works![]() The Tomball Lions Club is so blessed to have the Tomball Town Center Vison Works assisting them in gathering glasses to be recycled in the Tomball area. The Tomball Lions Club presented a plaque to the Tomball Vision Works Center in appreciation of their participation in the Lions Recycle Eye Glass Program. Pictured left-right are Vison Work Staff Eye Glass Specialist Sally Griffith, Lion President Bob Ervin, Vison Work Staff Eye Glass Specialist Lillian Ruiz, Vison Work Manager Jose Palermo, Lion Past District Governor Daniel Zitterich, and Lion John Seber. Photo provided by Lion Photographer Al Gerhardt.
2016 Annual Installation Banquet![]() Lion President Jerome Teichmiller introduced District 2-S2 Mark Roth to install the 2016-2017 Officers, Directors and New Members. Pictured left-right Speaker Lion Sam Thomas, Dist. 2-S2 Governor Mark Roth, TBLC Lions Bob Ervin, John Pettigrew, Bill Dillion, Al Gerhardt, John Phillips, Bubba Hardee, PDG Danny Zee, John Seber, and Mike Halbach. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt.
Bill Willets![]() Lion Bob Ervin then introduced Bill Willets, Editor and Past President of the Gulf Coast Chapter of the National Railway Historical Society, Inc. Pictured left-right Lion Bill Dillion, Speaker Bill Willets, Editor and Past President of the Gulf Coast Chapter of the National Railway Historical Society, Inc., and Lion Bubba Hardee. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt.
TBLC Barbecue Pit![]() The Tomball Lions Club is so blessed to have couples like Brian & Judy Sabin who helped perform the necessary repairs on the Tomball Lions Club Barbeque Pit.
Dedication For Deceased Lion Members![]() Executive Director & Lion Judy Deyo welcomed the Tomball Lions Club members to the Vision Care Clinic for the dedication for deceased lion members. Pictured left to right are Lions Vice-President Robert “Bob” Ervin, Executive Director & Lion Judy Deyo-Rn, Senior Development Director Rev. Steven G. Lightfoot – Pastor, Lion President Jerome Teichmiller, and Lion Secretary Elect Mike Halbach. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt.
Nyoka Rosignon Family![]() TBLC Treasurer Al Gerhardt and Lion John Seber purchased clothing, medical needs, and foods on 05/16/16 for the Nyoka Rosignon family. Her losses came from the flooding of Greens Bayou into her home and cars. The items were purchased using the Flood/Tornado Disaster Grant funds to District 2-S2 from the LCIF – Lions Club International Foundation Humanitarian Relief Fund. Pictured from left to right are Lion John Seber, Susan Michlik (who brought Nickii to the TBLC), Nyoka Rosignon, Walmart Mgr. Kimberly O'Riley, and Lions Treasurer Al Gerhardt. Photo by Al Gerhardt.
New May 2016 Members![]() TBLC Lion President Teichmiller welcomed new TBLC members Dale A. McCarty and Edward W. Mitchell. Pictured left-right are Secretary George Shackelford, New Lions Member Edward “Ed” W. Mitchell & Dale A. McCarty, and Lion Robert “Bubba” Hardee. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt.
TBLC Vietnam Vets![]() TBLC Lion Mike Halbach introduced Janisue Rigel, President, and Davena Liepman, Chaplain, with the United States Daughters of 1812, Texas Society, Thomas Bay Chapter who gave recognition and special thanks to Tomball Lions Club members who served in the military during the Vietnam War Era. Pictured left-right Chaplain Davena Liepman, New Lion Members Edward (Ed) & Dale McCarty, Lions John Pettigrew & Robert “Bubba” Hardee, and President Janisue Rigel. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt.
2016 Flood Relief 2![]() TBLC Treasurer Al Gerhardt and Lion John Seber purchased cleaning supplies, medical needs, clothing and baby supplies for Jesse, Tabatha, and daughter Alexis Delira on 05/03/16. The items were purchased using the Flood/Tornado Disaster Grant funds to District 2-S2 from the LCIF – Lions Club International Foundation Humanitarian Relief Fund. Pictured left-right Lion John Seber, Jesse, Tabatha, Alexis Delira, and Treasurer Al Gerhardt. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt.
2016 Flood Relief![]() TBLC President Jerome Teichmiller and Treasurer Al Gerhardt purchased clothing and baby supplies for the Van Richardson & Destiny Edmondson Family. The items were purchased using the District 2-S2 Flood/Tornado Disaster Grant funds from the LCIF – Lions Club International Foundation Humanitarian Relief Fund. Pictured left-right are Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt, Van Richardson, Baby, Destiny Edmondson, and Lion President Jerome Teichmiller. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt.
TBLC 2016 Car Show![]() On April 9, 2016, TBLC Lion President Jerome Teichmiller did the trophy presentation to the 1st place winner Leon Wehltman at the Tomball Lions Club 2016 22nd Annual Car Show. His entry was a 1963 Red Corvette. The Car Show was a huge success with 120 entries and approximately 1,000 people in attendance. Pictured left-right are 1st Place winner – Leon Wehltman and Lion President Jerome Teichmiller. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt.
Lions Eye Bank of Texas![]() TBLC Lion Mike Halbach introduced guest speakers Darleane Warren, Community Relations Coordinator, for the Lions Eye Bank of Texas at Baylor College of Medicine. Pictured left-right are Lion Mike Halbach, Speakers Relations Coordinator Darleane Warren, and Lion Terry Kitchens. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt.
TEAM![]() TBLC Lion Mike Halbach introduced guest speakers Becky Loving, Director and Shirley Leigh, Board Member with Tomball Emergency Assistance Ministries (TEAM). Pictured left-right Lion Larry Grotts, Speakers Director Becky Loving, Board Member Shirley Leigh, and Lion President Jerome Teichmiller. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt.
Families Feeding Families![]() TBLC Lion Vice President Bob Ervin welcomed guest speakers Richard Gatewood and Camille Hamilton who are Committee Members for Families Feeding Families. Pictured left-right are speakers Richard Gatewood and Camille Hamilton from Families Feeding Families, Corrine Rodriquez of the Houston Chronicle, Noah Speer – Lions District 2S-2 Governor, and Lion VP Bob Ervin. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt.
Pat Kotal![]() TBLC Lion Mike Halbach welcomed guest speaker Mr. Pat Kotal concerning Type 1 Diabetes. Pictured left-right are Lion Jerome Teichmiller, speaker Pat Kotal, and Lion Terry Kitchens. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt.
Carol Brace![]() TBLC Lion Vice-President Bob Ervin welcomed guest speaker Ms. Carol Brace to the 2nd Friday meeting at Pecos Grilling Company. Pictured left-right are Lion John Phillips, UHD Carol Brace, and Lion Danny Zee. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt.
Christmas Cheer Project![]() TBLC Lion President Jerome Teichmiller welcomed guest Lion Neil MacDonald, Christmas Cheer Project Chairperson to the 2nd Friday meeting at Pecos Grilling Company. Pictured from left to right are Lion Allen Eckhardt, Lion Neil MacDonald, and Lion Larry Grotts. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt.
Tomagwa 2015![]() TBLC Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt and Lion John Seber met with Tomagwa HealthCare Ministries President Judy Deyo and her staff. The Tomball Lions Club made their annual support presentation of $1500 to Tomagwa. Pictured left-right are Tomagwa staff Robert Bernardini, Lilly Hinojosa, Lion John Seber, Tomagwa President Judy Deyo, Lion Treasurer Al Gerhardt, Tomagwa Tami Sabey, Yessica Avila and Lorie Johns. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt.
Tomball Fire Chief![]() TBLC Lion President Jerome Teichmiller welcomed guest Tomball Fire Chief Randy Parr to the 2nd Friday meeting at Pecos Grilling Company. Pictured left-right are Lion Debbie Gray, Fire Chief Randy Parr, and Lion David Paulson. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt.
50th Tomball CofC Parade![]() The Tomball Lions Club participated in the 50 Annual Tomball Chamber Parade on November 21, 2015. Our float shows our Message & Motto "WE SERVE". Pictured on the float from left to right are: Lion (Theresa Ross), Pastor Jerome Teichmiller, Eva Gerhardt and Mike Halbach.
Sheila Roush![]() TBLC Lion President Jerome Teichmiller welcomed guest Lion Sheila Roush, Zone Chairperson for District 2-S2 Zone L-2 and current membership chair at the Klein Lions Club to the 2nd Friday meeting at Pecos Grilling Company. Pictured left-right are: Lion PDG Danny Zee, Lion Zone Chairperson Sheila Roush, Lion John Seber and Lion Bob Ervin. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt. |
Terry Kitchen![]() TBLC Lion President Jerome Teichmiller welcomed guest Terry Kitchens to the 2nd Friday meeting at Pecos Grilling Company. Pictured left-right are: Guest Terry Kitchens and Lion John Seber. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt. |
Tomball Chamber of Commerce![]()
TBLC Lion Vice President Bob Ervin welcomed guest speaker Bruce Hillegeist, President of the Greater Tomball Area Chamber of Commerce to the 2nd Friday meeting at Pecos Grilling Company. Pictured left-right are Lion Member Allen Eckhardt, Bruce Hillegeist, and Lion John Phillips. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt. |
Dr. William Dillion![]() The TBLC Lion John Phillips introduced guest speaker Dr. William Dillon, whose wife was a Donated Cornea Transplant recipient from the Texas Lions Eye Bank. Dr. Dillon told his wife's story at the 4th Friday meeting at Pecos Grilling Company. Dr. Dillon said the transplant was performed by the Baylor College of Medicine. Pictured left to right are Lion Bob Boscarato, Lion John Phillips, Dr. William Dillon, and Lion Naomi Kleb. Photo provided by Club Treasurer, Al Gerhardt. |
Lone Star College![]() The TBLC Treasurer Al Gerhardt introduced guest speaker Dr. Lee Ann Nutt, President of Lone Star College Tomball to the 4th Friday meeting at Pecos Grilling Company. Dr. Nutt described the breadth of Lone Star College's impact on the Houston Region and specifically some of the programs and projects unique to the Tomball campus. Pictured left to right are Lion Jim Nutt, Speaker Dr. Lee Ann Nutt, and Lion Karen Halbach. Photo provided by Lion Al Gerhardt. |
Texas Lions Camp![]() The Tomball Lions Club sponsored Eric Light at the Texas Lions Camp in Kerrville, Texas this year. He spent a week with other diabetic children at the Camp where children from all over Texas attend. He and his mother Jeanice Light were asked to give an update to the Tomball Lions Club. Pictured left-right are Jeanice and Eric Light. Photo provided by Lion John Phillips. |
TOMAGWA Update![]() The TBLC Lion Mike Halback introduced guest speaker Dr. Penner Schraudenbach, M.D., Adult and Pediatric Urologist of the Texas Urology Specialists and a TOMAGWA volunteer, who was assisted by TOMAGWA President and Lion Judy Deyo at the 2nd Friday meeting at Pecos Grilling Company. Pictured left-right are Lion Judy Deyo, Dr. Penner Schraudenbach, M.D. and Lion Vice President Bob Ervin. Photo provided by Lion Mike Halbach. |